Public Computers & Equipment
- Wheelchair accessible
- 4 computers with Internet and Microsoft Office
- 1 accessible computer
- 1 printer (colour)
- 1 scanner
- 1 photocopier (b&w)
- 1 microfilm reader/printer
- Fax service weekdays 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
- WiFi Access
Mobile Printing
Branch Contact
Manager – Shannon Raynard, BA, BEd
Board Members
Councillor Belle Hatfield, Town of Yarmouth
Councillor Patti Durkee, Municipality of Yarmouth
Ellen Burton, Yarmouth Public Library and Museum
Support Associations
Yarmouth Public Library and Museum
Quick Facts
- Joined Western Counties Regional Library: June 6, 1969
- Branch opened: October 29, 1969
- Branch expansion: June 22, 1991