A.H. Clark and others
The American Invasion of Nova Scotia, 1776-77 / W.B. Kerr. From: Canadian Defence Quarterly, n.d. pp 433-445. Photocopy. Bound with others under title: A.H. Clark and Others
New England’s Role in the Underdevelopment of Cape Breton Island during the French R‚gime, 1713 – 1758 / Andrew Hill Clark. From: The Canadian Geographer, n.d. pp. 1-11. Photocopy. Bound with others under title: A.H. Clark and Others.
Silas T. Rand, nineteenth century anthropologist among the Micmac / Virginia P. Miller. From: Ethno history, 1976. pp. [235] – 239. Bound with others under title: A.H. Clark and others
Titus Smith, Junior, and the geography of Nova Scotia in 1801 and 1802 / Andrew Hill Clark. From: Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. XLIV, No. 4. December 1954. pp. [291] – 314. Photocopy. Bound with others under title: A.H. Clark and Others, and includes newspaper clipping from February 26, 1979 titled “The philosopher of Dutch Village Road.”
The Aborigines of Nova Scotia / William Elder. From North American Review, no. 230. January 1871. 30 p. 23 cm. Photocopy.
Account of the British Territories in North America. Excerpt from: The Gentleman’s Magazine, June 1755. pp [259] – 265. 22 cm. Photocopy.
Account of the Capture of Port Royal by the inhabitants of Boston and Salem under the command of William Phipps, 21st May, 1690. Extract from the Narrative by M. de Goutin of the taking of the fort at Pimiquid, 22 August, 1696. From: Public Archives of Canada, 1912. Appendix F, pp [67 – 74] Sessional paper 29b. Bound with other items under title: N.S. State Papers in Canadian Archives Reports, 1911, 1922. 23 cm. Photocopy.
An account of the customs and manners of the Micmakis and Maricheets / Maillard, Antoine, Simon (Pierre?) i.e. Maillard, Pierre-Antoine-Simon. A collection of related items: A letter dated Micmaki-Country, March 27, 1775. 60 leaves; Memorial of the Motives of the savages, called Micmakis and Maricheets. …dated Isle Royal, 175_, [12] leaves; Character of the savages of North America extracted from a letter of the Father Charlevoix to a lady of distinction / P.F.X. de Charlevoix. [8] leaves. 29 cm. Photocopy. See also: Acadiensis Autumn 1980: A letter from Louisbourg, 1756.
An account of the present state of Nova Scotia: in two letters to a noble lord: one from a Gentleman in the Navy lately arrived from thence; the other from a Gentleman who long resided there. Made public by his Lordship’s desire. London, 1756. 31 p. 23 cm. Bound photocopy. (2 copies).
An address on the present condition, resources and prospects of British North America / delivered by special request at the City Hall, Glasgow, on the 24th March, 1857 / by the Hon. Mr. Justice Haliburton. Montreal: John Lovell, 1857. 17 p., 24 cm. Bound photocopy.
The American Invasion of Nova Scotia, 1776-77 / W.B. Kerr. From: Canadian Defence Quarterly, n.d. pp 433-445. Photocopy. Bound with others under title: A.H. Clark and Others
The American Neptune: selections
- From Eastern state to Evangline: a history of the Boston – Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Steamship services. / by Arthur L. Johnson. From: The American Neptune, pp. 175-[181]. Bound with: The impact of French privateering on New England, 1689-1713. 23 cm. Photocopy.
- Impact of French Privateering on New England, 1689-1713/ by Donald F. Chard. From: The American Neptune. n.d. pp. 153-165. Bound with The History of the Boston – Yarmouth Steamship Services. 23 cm. Photocopy.
An analysis of the Nova Scotia apple industry (1930-1972) / N.G. Mulder. Halifax, N.S.: Voluntary Economic Planning, 1964. 68 p. 28 cm. Photocopy.
Archibald MacMechan / C.L. Bennet. From Bibliographical Society of Canada Papers, Vol. 3, 1964. pp. 17-26. Bound with: Folklore in Newfoundland / Herbert Halpert. Cover title: Bibliographical Society of Canada. 23 cm. Photocopy.
Baker, Ronald L.
- The Study of Folklore in American Colleges and Universities/ R.L. Baker. From: Journal of American Folklore 97, 1978. pp. [792] – 807, 26 cm.
- Folklore Courses and Programs in American Colleges and Universities/ R.L. Baker. From: Journal of American Folklore 84, 1971. pp. [221] – 229.
Baron de Lahontan’s Memoir: Concerning the Economic and Strategic Importance of Placentia, Newfoundland / G.A. Rawlyk and E.L. Towle. From: Newfoundland Quarterly, n.d. pp. 5-10. Bound with other materials under title Some Descriptions of Halifax Buildings. 29 cm. Photocopy.
The basic elements of an Atlantic Provinces transportation policy. March, 1969. 23 p., 25 cm. Photocopy.
Bibliographical Society of Canada. Selections.
- Archibald MacMechan/ C.L. Bennet. From Bibliographical Society of Canada Papers, Vol. 3, 1964. pp. 17-26. Bound with: Folklore in Newfoundland / Herbert Halpert. Cover title: Bibliographical Society of Canada. 23 cm. Photocopy.
- Folklore in Newfoundland. / Herbert Halpert. From: Bibliographical Society of Canada, Vol. 8, 1969. pp. [10] – 22. Bound with:Archibald MacMechan/ C.L. Bennet. Cover title: Bibliographical Society of Canada. 23 cm. Photocopy.
Brief Sketch of the Life of Mrs. Ann Knowles, who departed this life August 13, 1845, by her bereaved husband in a letter to his son. Boston, 1846. 24 p. 21 cm. Photocopy.
Brief Sketch of the Province of Nova Scotia, With a Project Offered for its Relief / John Homer. 1834. 31 p. Cover title: Address in the Legislature on Nova Scotia by John Homer, Barrington. Laminated pages.
Cambridge History of English Literature. Selections.
- English Canadian Literature/ Pelham Edgar. (Article on Thomas Haliburton.) From Cambridge History of English Literature, Vol. XIV, Chapter XI. pp. [343] – 348. Bound with: 1860 Speech in House of Commons / by Hon. Mr. Justice Haliburton. Photocopy. Cover title:Cambridge History of English Literature. Pelham Edgar on T.C. Haliburton. 22 cm.
- Haliburton, Thomas Chandler. [Accounts of speeches: April 20, 1860 House of Commons on repeal of differential duties on foreign and colonial wood; and May 11, 1860 in House of Lords on French fortifications at St. Pierre.] Bound with English Canadian Literature. / Pelham Edgar. Cover title: Cambridge History of English Literature. Pelham Edgar on T.C. Haliburton. 22 cm
Cambridge History of the British Empire. Bibliography only. 1930. pp. [813] – 885. Photocopy. 22 cm.
Canada’s First, and Only, Tidal Lock at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia / Robert F. Legget. From: Canadian Consulting Engineer, January/February 1978. pp. 56-57. Bound with other items under title Some Descriptions of Halifax Buildings. 29 cm. Photocopy.
Canadian Collection at Harvard University / ed. by William Inglis Morse. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Printing office, 1947. 110 p., 22 cm. Bulletin IV. Limited ed. of 200 copies. Bound photocopy.
Canadian history and Thomas Chandler Haliburton: some notes on Sam Slick. / T.B. Litjegren. Upsala, Sweden: Upsala University Canadian Studies, 1956. In three parts. 68, 56, 26 p. 21 cm. Spine title: Notes on Sam Slick. Bound photocopy.
Canadian Numismatic Journal. Selections. 1v., 23 cm.
- – The Prince Edward Island and Other Holey Dollars/ Fred Bowman and H.R. Stewart. November 1978. pp. 405-409.
- – Notes on Some of the Early Merchantsof Halifax Who Issued Metal Tokens / Fred Bowman. November 1979. pp. 397-400
- – The Nicklaus Hotel Bar Check Breton 758/ Fred Bowman. Jan. 1980. 1 p.
- – “Sun Tavern” Canadian Blacksmith Tokens / J.D. Ferguson. January 1980. pp. 20-29
- – Colonial Coinages of Canada/ R.C. Wiley. February 1980. pp. 76 – 79.
- – Colonial Coinages of Canada(cont’d). March 1980. pp. 124-127. Photocopies.
- Bound under title Coinages of Nova Scotia and Holey dollars of P.E.I.
Cape Breton / Malcolm L. MacPhail. 1905. [27] p. 19 cm. Photocopy.
Cape Breton Nicknames and Tales / Helen Creighton. From: Folklore in Action, 1962. Also includes editor’s introduction. Bound with related items under title: MacEdward Leach. 22 cm. Photocopy.
Capt. James Cunningham’s Ill-Fate on the “Vernon”. (Cover title)
- Chased by Pirates: A Leaf From an Old Sailor’s Log/ Levi Nickerson. “An Experience on Schooner John Ryder – 1841”. 9 p. Handwritten. Bound with: How Spanish Pirates Disposed of a Nova Scotian Crew. Cover title: James Cunningham’s Ill-Fate on the “Vernon”. 29 cm. Photocopy.
- Cruise of the “Ocean Belle”/ Contributed by Gilbert Nickerson. 9 p. Handwritten. Bound with: How Spanish Pirates Disposed of a Nova Scotian Crew… Cover title: Captain James Cunningham’s Ill-Fate on the Vernon. 29 cm. Photocopy.
- How Spanish Pirates Disposed of a Nova Scotian Crew: A Tragedy of the Cuban Trade. (As reported in early issue of Coast Guard, 1929. 7 p. Transcribed in typescript, 1960. Photocopy. Bound with: Chased by Pirates: A Leaf From an Old Sailor’s Log/ Levi Nickerson. Cover title: Captain James Cunningham’s Ill-Fate on the Vernon. 29 cm.
Cape Sable Ship Masters. (Spine Title)
- The Ship-masters of old Cape Sables/ Capt. Arthur N. McGray. Collection of photocopies of newspaper articles from Shelburne Coast Guard, 1941. 37 cm. Bound. Spine title: Cape Sable Ship Masters.
Catalogue of the Nova Scotian Department with introduction and appendices. Exposition Universelle de 1867. Paris: Gustave Bossange, 1867. 66 p. 22 cm. Bound photocopy.
Catalogue or list of manuscript documents, arranged, bound and catalogued under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Records … from the year 1710 to year 1867 … Halifax, N.S.: Printed by D.H. Fowler. 1877. 35 p. 22 cm. Photocopy.
Celtic tales from Cape Breton / MacEdward Leach. From: Studies in Folklore. 1957. pp. 40-54. 23 cm. Photocopy.
Charisma and integration: an eighteenth-century North American case / Gordon Stewart. From: Comparative Studies in Social History, n.d. pp. 138-149. 23 cm. Photocopy.
Chased by Pirates: A Leaf From an Old Sailor’s Log / Levi Nickerson. “An Experience on Schooner John Ryder – 1841”. 9 p. Handwritten. Bound with: How Spanish Pirates Disposed of a Nova Scotian Crew. Cover title: Capt. James Cunningham’s Ill-Fate on the “Vernon”. 29 cm. Photocopy.
Christian Messenger, June 27, 1860. Includes article on Nova Scotia Church History: The Baptists of Nova Scotia 1784-1800. Bound with related items under cover title: History Cornwallis Congregational Church / Jacob W. Cox. 29 cm. Photocopy.
Colonial Maritime Literature: Who Cares? / Thomas B. Vincent. From: Atlantic Canada Archivist. Nov. 1976. pp. 17-20. Bound With Other Items Under Title: Some Descriptions of Halifax Buildings. 29 cm. Photocopy.
Completion of the Correspondence and Journals of the Right Reverend Charles and John Inglis, First and Third Bishops of Nova Scotia. From: Canadian Archives, Sessional Paper No. 29b. pp. 227 – [283]. Bound with: Correspondence and Journals of Bishop Inglis of Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1775- 1814. Under title: Journals of Bishop Inglis, Canadian Archives, 1913, 1914. 23 cm. Photocopy.
The Conduct of the French with regard to Nova Scotia; from its first settlement to the present time … / T. Jefferys. London, 1754. 77 p. 21 cm. Bound photocopy.
Confederation, then and now / P. B. Waite. From: Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Volume II: Series IV: June, 1964. pp. 27-33. Bound with: Joseph Howe and Confederation: myth and fact / J.M. Beck. 25 cm. Photocopy.
- Joseph Howe and Confederation: myth and fact/ J.M. Beck. From: Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Volume III: Series IV: June 1964. Section II. pp. 137-150. Bound with: Confederation then and now. / P.B. Waite. 25 cm. Photocopy.
Correspondence and Journals of Bishop Inglis of Halifax, Nova Scotia 1775-1814. From: Canadian Archives, Sessional Paper No. 29b. pp. 215-[288]. Bound with Completion of the Correspondence and Journals of the Right Reverend Charles and John Inglis, First and Third Bishops of Nova Scotia. Under title: Journals of Bishop Inglis, Canadian Archives 1913 – 1914. 23 cm. Photocopy.
Cruise of the “Ocean Belle” / Contributed by Gilbert Nickerson. 9 p. Handwritten. Bound with: How Spanish Pirates Disposed of a Nova Scotian Crew… Cover title: Captain James Cunningham’s Ill-Fate on the Vernon. 29 cm. Photocopy.
Culture and Tradition. Selections. 1v. 29 cm.
- – Npisun (my medicine): The Micmac Indian Way to Health and the Maintenance of Well-Being / Laurie Lacey. No. 2. pp. 13-19. 1977.
- – Storytelling at a Nova Scotia General Store / W. Wayne Fanning. No. 3, 1978. pp. 57-67.
- – Cape Breton Scottish Folksong Collections / Richard MacKinnon. No. 5, 1981. pp. 23-39.
- -“I’ve Always Believed in Spirits, From That Time Anyway”: Aspects of Belief in the Song “The Ghostly Sailors” / Janet McNaughton. No. 5, 1981. pp. 21- 31.
- -The Role of Watson Weaver, Itinerant Pedlar and Local Character, in his Community of northern Nova Scotia / Diane Tye. No. 6. pp. 40-51. Photocopies.
Dale, Bonnycastle
Articles from Rod and Gun in Canada
- – Tales of Whitetails. April 1935.
- – Fall Sport at Tabusintac. November 1936.
- – Shore Fishing. May 1937.
- – White Deer and Others. June 1937.
- – Salmon of the Clyde. July 1937.
- – Fighting Mighty Tuna. August 1937.
- – The Increasing Beavers in Nova Scotia. January 1938.
- – The Nova Scotia Moose Situation. June 1938.
- – Three Bears and a Cat Hound. March 1946. Cover title: Bonnycastle Dale in Rod and Gun in Canada. Photocopies.
David George: The Nova Scotian Experience / Anthony Kirk-Greene. From Sierra Leone Studies, No. 14, 1960. pp. [93] – 110. Includes facsim. 22 cm. Photocopy. Bound with Nova Scotia Settlers of 1792 / G. Haliburton.
- Nova Scotia Settlers of 1792/ G. Haliburton. From Sierra Leone Studies, No. 9, 1957. pp. [16] – 25. Bound with David George: The Nova Scotian Experience / Anthony Kirk-Greene. 22 cm. Photocopy.
[Dartmouth Historical Survey] From Plan for the Future of Dartmouth. / N.S. Department of Municipal Affairs, 1945. pp. 6-8. Typescript. Bound with other items under title: Some Descriptions of Halifax Buildings. 29 cm. Photocopy.
Demand and production analysis of agricultural products in Nova Scotia, 1950-1972 / H.K. Larsen. Halifax, N.S.: Voluntary Economic Planning, 1964, 46 p., 28 cm. Photocopy.
Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Selections. 1v., 26 cm.
- – Cunard, Sir Samuel. / Phyllis R. Blakley. pp. 172-184.
- – Cunnabell (Cunuable), William./ Gertrude Tratt. pp. 186-187.
- – Maillard (Maillart, Maynard, Mayar), Pierre. / Micheline R. Johnson. pp. 415-419.
Directory of Libraries: Halifax, Dartmouth, Halifax County. Interim Conference Edition. “This Draft of the 5th Edition of the Halifax Library Association Directory is made available in interim form for the convenience of C.L.A. delegates.” 1976. unp. 29 cm.
Early sawmills in Nova Scotia / J. L. Martin. From The Mersey Quarterly, (196?), pp. 10-12, 28 cm. Photocopy.
English Canadian Literature / Pelham Edgar. (Article on Thomas Haliburton.) From Cambridge History of English Literature, Vol. XIV, Chapter XI. pp. [343] – 348. Bound with: 1860 Speech in House of Commons / by Hon. Mr. Justice Haliburton. Photocopy. Cover title:Cambridge History of English Literature. Pelham Edgar on T.C. Haliburton. 22 cm.
An enquiry into the merits of Confederation and the duty of the hour / by One of the People. Halifax, 1867. 31 p. 22 cm. Bound photocopy.
A fair representation of His Majesty’s right to Nova Scotia or Acadie … London, 1756. 64 p. 20 cm. Bound photocopy.
Fergusson, Charles Bruce, 1911 – 1978.
- 1)The First Scottish Settlements in Nova Scotia. 2 p. Photocopy.
- 2) The Arts in Nova Scotia: 17th, 18th, 19th Centuries – With Some Reference to the 20th Century. Paper read at annual meeting, Nova Scotia Arts Council, October 21, 1961. 17 p. Photocopy.
- 3) The Court Houses Built in Halifax City. From: The Chronicle-Herald, June 9, 1971. Newspaper page. Three items bound together. 29 cm.
Fergusson, Charles Bruce, 1911 – 1978
- Halifax. From Canadian Library Association Bulletin, July, 1953. 2 p.
- A Glimpse of 1885. From: Saskatchewan History, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1968.
Few Notes on the Early History of Tusket and its Dutch Loyalist Families / Robert B. Blauveldt. From Yarmouth Herald? 2 p. Bound with other items under title: Some Descriptions of Halifax Buildings. Photocopy. 29 cm.
Fishing and Hunting on the Clyde River. (Cover Title)
- Four Weeks’ trip in Nova Scotia Fishing and Hunting on the Clyde River and its Tributaries. / G.H. Gerard. 1900? 37 p., 20 cm. Photocopy. Cover title: Fishing and Hunting on the Clyde River.
Folklore in Newfoundland. / Herbert Halpert. From: Bibliographical Society of Canada, Vol. 8, 1969. pp. [10] – 22. Bound with:Archibald MacMechan / C.L. Bennet. Cover title: Bibliographical Society of Canada. 23 cm. Photocopy.
- Joseph Howe as Publisher / George L. Parker. From: Dalhousie Review, Volume 53, No. 3. Autumn 1975. Bound with: Literary Journalism before Conferation. / Richard Tallman. Photocopy. 29 cm.
- Literary Journalism Before Confederation/ George L. Parker. From: Canadian Literature, Nos. 68 – 69. Bound with: Folklore Research in Atlantic Canada / Richard Tallman. Photocopy. 29 cm.
Folklore in the Schools: Teaching, Collecting, and Publishing / Richard S. Tallman. From: New York Folklore Quarterly, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3. September 1972. pp. [163] – 186. 20cm.
Folklore research in Atlantic Canada / Richard Tallman. From: Acadiensis, Vol. VIII, No. 2. Photocopy. 29 cm. Bound with Literary Journalism before Confederation.
- Joseph Howe as Publisher / George L. Parker. From: Dalhousie Review, Volume 53, No. 3. Autumn 1975. Bound with: Literary Journalism before Conferation. / Richard Tallman. Photocopy. 29 cm.
Literary Journalism Before Confederation/ George L. Parker. From: Canadian Literature, Nos. 68 – 69. Bound with: Folklore Research in Atlantic Canada / Richard Tallman. Photocopy. 29 cm.
Fort Clarence at Imperoyal / Harry Piers. From Imperial Oil Review, (197?), pp. 3-7, 28 cm. Photocopy.
Fort St. Louis.
- Early History of Fort St. Louis. / J.W. Smith. November 1935. 4 leaves. Typescript.
- Historian d’Entremont Adds to Lore on Fort St. Louis. 4 p. of newspaper clippings dated May 24, 1936.
- Site of Fort St. Louis. / D.C. Harvey. 1936. 6 leaves. Includes letter to J.W. Smith. (See Early History of Fort St. Louis.) Typescript.
- Unveiling of Cairn. Newspaper account of unveiling of cairn marking the site of Fort St. Louis, September 6, 1937. Photocopy.
- Voyage Made by Order of the King in 1750 and 1751 in North America: To Correct the Charts of the Coasts of Acadia, the Isle Royale (Cape Breton) and to Fix the Principal Points by Astronomical Observation. / M. de Charbert; [ed?] by Benjamin H. Doane. Paris: 1753, Typescript of portions of original manuscript.20 leaves.
- Items bound together under title: Fort St. Louis. 29 cm.
Four Weeks’ trip in Nova Scotia Fishing and Hunting on the Clyde River and its Tributaries. / G.H. Gerard. 1900? 37 p., 20 cm. Photocopy. Cover title: Fishing and Hunting on the Clyde River.
Fragments of Sam Slick: wit and wisdom of Haliburton / selected and arranged by Lawrence J. Burpee. Toronto: Musson, 1909. [92] p., 14 cm. Bound photocopy.
From Eastern state to Evangline: a history of the Boston – Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Steamship services. / by Arthur L. Johnson. From: The American Neptune, pp. 175-[181]. Bound with: The impact of French privateering on New England, 1689-1713. 23 cm. Photocopy.
- Impact of French Privateering on New England, 1689-1713/ by Donald F. Chard. From: The American Neptune. n.d. pp. 153-165. Bound with The History of the Boston – Yarmouth Steamship Services. 23 cm. Photocopy.
Goldsmith’s Rising Village and the Colonial state of mind / David Jackel. From: Studies in Canadian Literature. n.d. pp. 152-166.
Guide book to Cape Breton Royal Province of Nova Scotia or New Scotland, Dominion of Canada. With an original map, and a plan of Louisbourg. Halifax, N.S.: G.E. Morton, 1883. vii., 39 p. 18 cm. On cover: Map and guide to Cape Breton. Photocopy.
Haliburton Family / A.W.H. Eaton. From: Old Boston Families. pp. 57-75. Bound with Haliburton, Thomas Chandler, (1796-1861) / R.G. Moyles. Photocopy.
- Haliburton, Thomas Chandler (1796-1861)/ R.G. Moyles. From: English Canadian Literature to 1900: a guide to information sources. pp. 63-75. Bound with The Haliburton Family / A.W.H. Eaton. Photocopy.
Haliburton Family / Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton. From: Old Boston Families. January 1917. pp. 57-74., 26 cm. Bound with Haliburton’s tales. / Milton Wilson. Photocopy.
- Haliburton’s Tales. / Milton Wilson. From: The English Quarterly, n.d. pp. [327] – 344. Bound with The Haliburton Family/ A.W.H. Eaton. 26 cm. Photocopy.
Haliburton, Thomas Chandler. [Accounts of speeches: April 20, 1860 House of Commons on repeal of differential duties on foreign and colonial wood; and May 11, 1860 in House of Lords on French fortifications at St. Pierre.] Bound with English Canadian Literature. / Pelham Edgar. Cover title: Cambridge History of English Literature. Pelham Edgar on T.C. Haliburton. 22 cm.
Haliburton, Thomas Chandler (1796-1861) / R.G. Moyles. From: English Canadian Literature to 1900: a guide to information sources. pp. 63-75. Bound with The Haliburton Family / A.W.H. Eaton. Photocopy.
- Haliburton Family / A.W.H. Eaton. From: Old Boston Families. 57-75. Bound with Haliburton, Thomas Chandler, (1796-1861) / R.G. Moyles. Photocopy.
Haliburton’s Tales. / Milton Wilson. From: The English Quarterly, n.d. pp. [327] – 344. Bound with The Haliburton Family / A.W.H. Eaton. 26 cm. Photocopy.
- Haliburton Family/ Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton. From: Old Boston Families. January 1917. pp. 57-74., 26 cm. Bound with Haliburton’s tales. / Milton Wilson. Photocopy.
Halifax: Spitting Into the Wind on Quinpool Road / Dave Reynolds. pp. 5 – 15. 1973? 28 cm.
Has the country been sold? A letter to the electors of Nova Scotia, in which certain people and pamphlets are reviewed and certain facts and arguments stated / by a Cosmopolitan. Halifax, N.S.: 1867. 29 p. 22 cm. Bound photocopy.
Historical account of the courts of judicature in the province of Nova Scotia / Sir Charles Townsend. Paper read Nov. 8, 1898. 56 p. 29 cm. Typescript.
Historical Sketch No. 7 – Liverpool. [A history of the Congregational Church at Liverpool] / Jacob Whitman Cox. From: The Canadian Congregationalist, June 3, 1925. 4 p. Bound with related materials under cover title: History Cornwallis Congregational Church / Jacob W. Cox. 29 cm. Photocopy.
History Cornwallis Congregational Church. Selections.
- Christian Messenger, June 27, 1860.Includes article on Nova Scotia Church History: The Baptists of Nova Scotia 1784-1800. Bound with related items under cover title: History Cornwallis Congregational Church / Jacob W. Cox. 29 cm. Photocopy.
- Historical Sketch No. 7 – Liverpool. [A history of the Congregational Church at Liverpool]/ Jacob Whitman Cox. From: The Canadian Congregationalist, June 3, 1925. 4 p. Bound with related materials under cover title: History Cornwallis Congregational Church / Jacob W. Cox. 29 cm. Photocopy.
- History of the Congregational Church of Cornwallis, N.S./ Jacob W. Cox. “Read before the Congregational Union of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, … July 18, 1900 …” [11] leaves. Bound with related materials under cover title: History Cornwallis Congregational Church.29 cm. Photocopy.
History of Family and Children’s Services – Hants County / Bob Whalen. From Social Service News, [Christmas Issue, 1976]. Pp. 15-18, 28 cm. Photocopy.
History of Family and Children’s Services of Yarmouth County from 1913 – 1917 / David G. Ledley. 6 p., 28 cm. Photocopy.
History of New-Scotland From its Discovery to the Present Times / [John Oldmixon]. From: The British Empire in America, Containing the History of the Discovery, Settlement, Progress and Present State of all the British Colonies … 1708? pp. 20-24. Includes map. 20 cm.
History of Presbyterian Church and United – to 1972. Clyde River Charge. Cover title. Includes material relating to Presbyterian Church in Clyde River, N.S. [147 leaves. Typescript of historical data; one sheet titled Former ministers (1783-1972); clipping from Shelburne Coast Guard, Oct. 11, 1945: History of Clyde River Pastoral Charge / C.H. Johnson; obituary notices for Rev. M.G. Henry, [1919?] 23 cm.
History of Shelburne County / Marion Robertson. A collection of 69 newspaper articles from: The Coast Guard. c1962. 37 cm. Bound photocopies.
History of the Congregational Church of Cornwallis, N.S. / Jacob W. Cox. “Read before the Congregational Union of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, … July 18, 1900 …” [11] leaves. Bound with related materials under cover title: History Cornwallis Congregational Church.29 cm. Photocopy.
History of the County of Digby. / Thomas Robertson. 1873. 52 p., 28 cm. Typescript. Cover title: Digby History.
History of the Courts of Chancery in Nova Scotia / Sir Charles Townsend. 56 p. 29 cm. Typescript.
Honorable Joseph Howe, of Halifax, Nova Scotia. From William Notman’s Portraits of the British Americans. pp. [219] – 308. 20 cm. Cover title: Sketch of Joseph Howe.
How Spanish Pirates Disposed of a Nova Scotian Crew: A Tragedy of the Cuban Trade. (As reported in early issue of Coast Guard, 1929. 7 p. Transcribed in typescript, 1960. Photocopy. Bound with: Chased by Pirates: A Leaf From an Old Sailor’s Log / Levi Nickerson. Cover title: Captain James Cunningham’s Ill-Fate on the Vernon. 29 cm.
Impact of French Privateering on New England, 1689-1713 / by Donald F. Chard. From: The American Neptune. n.d. pp. 153-165. Bound with The History of the Boston – Yarmouth Steamship Services. 23 cm. Photocopy.
- From Eastern state to Evangline: a history of the Boston – Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Steamship services. / by Arthur L. Johnson. From: The American Neptune, pp. 175-[181]. Bound with: The impact of French privateering on New England, 1689-1713. 23 cm. Photocopy.
The importance of settling and fortifying Nova Scotia: with a particular account of the climate, soil, and native inhabitants of the country / by a gentleman lately arrived from that colony. London: Printed for J. Scott, 1751. 21 cm. Bound photocopy.
Income security for Canadians / John Munro, Minister of National Health and Welfare, 1970. 62 p., 28 cm. Photocopy.
J. B. Brebner and the Writing of Canadian History / G. A. Rawlyk [1977?] 24 leaves. Typescript. Photocopy. 29 cm.
Joseph Howe / Adrian MacDonald. From: Canadian Portraits. pp. 64-81. 18 cm. Photocopy.
Joseph Howe and Confederation: myth and fact / J.M. Beck. From: Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Volume III: Series IV: June 1964. Section II. pp. 137-150. Bound with: Confederation then and now. / P.B. Waite. 25 cm. Photocopy.
- Confederation, then and now/ P. B. Waite. From: Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Volume II: Series IV: June, 1964. pp. 27-33. Bound with: Joseph Howe and Confederation: myth and fact / M. Beck. 25 cm. Photocopy.
Joseph Howe as Publisher / George L. Parker. From: Dalhousie Review, Volume 53, No. 3. Autumn 1975. Bound with: Literary Journalism before Conferation. / Richard Tallman. Photocopy. 29 cm.
- Folklore research in Atlantic Canada/ Richard Tallman. From: Acadiensis, Vol. VIII, No. 2. Photocopy. 29 cm. Bound with Literary Journalism before Confederation.
- Literary Journalism Before Confederation/ George L. Parker. From: Canadian Literature, Nos. 68 – 69. Bound with: Folklore Research in Atlantic Canada / Richard Tallman. Photocopy. 29 cm.
Joseph Howe – Man of Vision / R.A. MacLean. Paper read before the Nova Scotia Historical Society, February 12, 1965. 15 leaves, 28 cm. Typescript.
The Journal of Captain William Owen, R.N., during his residence on Campbello in 1770-71, together with other documents and notes upon the history of the island / ed. by W.F. Ganong. New Brunswick Historical Society. 22 cm. Bound photocopy.
Journal of the Expedition Under Sir. William Phipps Against Port Royal, 1690. From: Public Archives of Canada, 1912. Appendix E, pp. 54 -[63]. Bound with other items under title: Nova Scotia State Papers in Canadian Archives Reports 1911, 1922. Photocopy. 23 cm.
Journals of Bishop Inglis, Canadian Archives, 1913, 1914. Selections
- Completion of the Correspondence and Journals of the Right Reverend Charles and John Inglis, First and Third Bishops of Nova Scotia. From: Canadian Archives, Sessional Paper No. 29b. pp. 227 – [283]. Bound with: Correspondence and Journals of Bishop Inglis of Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1775- 1814. Under title: Journals of Bishop Inglis, Canadian Archives, 1913, 1914. 23 cm. Photocopy.
- Correspondence and Journals of Bishop Inglis of Halifax, Nova Scotia 1775-1814. From: Canadian Archives, Sessional Paper No. 29b. pp. 215-[288]. Bound with Completion of the Correspondence and Journals of the Right Reverend Charles and John Inglis, First and Third Bishops of Nova Scotia. Under title: Journals of Bishop Inglis, Canadian Archives 1913 – 1914.23 cm. Photocopy.
L.E. Shaw Limited – 1816 to 1961 / H. Millard Wright. Halifax: 1961. 21, 5 leaves. Typescript. 29 cm.
Language and vocabulary of Sam Slick / Elva Bengtsson. Upsala, Sweden: Upsala University Canadian Studies, 1956. 52 p., 21 cm. Spine title: Notes on Sam Slick. Bound photocopy.
Letters from Governor Parr to Lord Shelburne, Describing the Arrival and Settlement of the United Empire Loyalists in Nova Scotia, 1783 – 1784. From: Public Archives of Canada, [1911?]. Appendix E, pp. 1 – 12. Sessional paper No. 30. Bound with other items under title: Nova Scotia State Papers in Canadian Archives Reports 1911, 1912. Photocopy. 23 cm.
Literary Journalism Before Confederation / George L. Parker. From: Canadian Literature, Nos. 68 – 69. Bound with: Folklore Research in Atlantic Canada / Richard Tallman. Photocopy. 29 cm.
- Folklore research in Atlantic Canada/ Richard Tallman. From: Acadiensis, Vol. VIII, No. 2. Photocopy. 29 cm. Bound with Literary Journalism before Confederation.
- Joseph Howe as Publisher / George L. Parker. From: Dalhousie Review, Volume 53, No. 3. Autumn 1975. Bound with: Literary Journalism before Conferation. / Richard Tallman. Photocopy. 29 cm.
Liverpool privateering, 1756-1815 / compiled by Janet E. Mullins, n.d. Edited, arranged and printed under the direction of Fred S. Morton. 19 cm. Bound photocopy.
Logical consequences of the acquittal of Jesus: or, His Divinity deduced from His character and claims: a sermon preached before the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces, at New Glasgow, June 1867 / by Rev. James Bennet. Halifax: James Barnes, 1867. 15 p. 23 cm. Photocopy.
The long-awaited double baited automated longline. From The Sou’wester, November 1, 1974. 3 p. Legal size. Photocopy.
The lumber woods yesterday / J. Lynton Martin. From The Mersey Quarterly, (196?). pp. 4-7, 28 cm. Photocopy.
MacEdward Leach Collection of Canadian Folklore / Carole Henderson and Neil Rosenberg. 10 p. Typescript. Bound with related items under title: MacEdward Leach. 22 cm.
Man in the Northeast. Selections. 1v. 29 cm.
- White encroachment on Micmac Reserve lands in Nova Scotia, 1830-1867. / Harold Franklin McGee, Jr. No. 8, 1974. pp. 57-64.
- Archaeology in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick between 1863 and 1914 and its relationship to the development of North American archaeology. / John Connolly. No. 13, 1977. pp. 3-34.
- The Micmac buoin, three centuries of cultural and semantic change. / Vincent O. Erickson. Nos. 15/16, 1978. pp. 3-41.
- Prehistoric human skeletons from Bear River, Nova Scotia. / Paul E. Erickson. 1978? pp. 138-146.
Map and guide to Cape Breton (Cover title)
- Guide book to Cape BretonRoyal Province of Nova Scotia or New Scotland, Dominion of Canada. With an original map, and a plan of Louisbourg. Halifax, N.S.: G.E. Morton, 1883. vii., 39 p. 18 cm. On cover: Map and guide to Cape Breton.
Maritime Comment / by Will R. Bird. “Four talks on a C.B.C. Radio Program during November 1952.” 26 p. Typescript.
Mersey Edition. Halifax, N.S.: Halifax Herald & Mail Star, Dec. 14, 1929. 42 cm. x 33 cm. Bound photocopy.
Mining industry of Nova Scotia 1931 / prepared by J.P. Mersservy…for the annual meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, at Montreal, April 5th, 1932. [16] p., 28 cm. Photocopy.
Moses Hardy Nickerson: a study / Fred Cogswell. From: Dalhousie Review, Vol. 38, No. 4. 1959. pp. [472] – 485. 23 cm. Photocopy.
National Bibliography – Retrospective / Douglas G. Lochhead. pp. 1-16. Bound with Regional Bibliography – the Atlantic Provinces / Shirley B. Elliott. 22 cm.
- Regional Bibliography – the Atlantic Provinces/ Shirley B. Elliott. pp. 118- 139. Bound with National Bibliography – the Retrospective. / Douglas G. Lochhead. 22 cm.
New England’s Role in the Underdevelopment of Cape Breton Island during the French R‚gime, 1713 – 1758 / Andrew Hill Clark. From: The Canadian Geographer, n.d. pp. 1-11. Photocopy. Bound with others under title: A.H. Clark and Others.
Northeast Folklore, Volume V. 1963. 87 p., 22 cm. Bound. Photocopy. Includes: Twenty-One Folksongs from Prince Edward Island.
Notes on Sam Slick. Selections.
- Canadian history and Thomas Chandler Haliburton: some notes on Sam Slick. / T.B. Litjegren. Upsala, Sweden: Upsala University Canadian Studies, 1956. In three parts. 68, 56, 26 p. 21 cm. Spine title: Notes on Sam Slick. Bound photocopy.
- Language and vocabulary of Sam Slick/ Elva Bengtsson. Upsala, Sweden: Upsala University Canadian Studies, 1956. 52 p., 21 cm. Spine title: Notes on Sam Slick. Bound photocopy.
The Nova Scotia calendar or almanac for the year of the Christian Era, 1772 … / by A. Lillius. Halifax: [1772]. [23] p. 17 cm. Bound photocopy. Check on titleXXXXXX
Nova Scotia in Poetry, Parts I – IV. Excerpts from Novascotiana Section of Journal of Education. (January, April-June, October 1963, February 1964.) “Contributed by Shirley Elliott.” 22 X 16 cm. Photocopies. Cover title says Nova Scotia Verse.
Nova Scotia Settlers of 1792 / G. Haliburton. From Sierra Leone Studies, No. 9, 1957. pp. [16] – 25. Bound with David George: The Nova Scotian Experience / Anthony Kirk-Greene. 22 cm. Photocopy.
- David George: The Nova Scotian Experience/ Anthony Kirk-Greene. From Sierra Leone Studies, No. 14, 1960. pp. [93] – 110. Includes facsim. 22 cm. Photocopy. Bound with Nova Scotia Settlers of 1792 / G. Haliburton.
N.S. State Papers in Canadian Archives Reports Selections.
- Account of the Capture of Port Royalby the inhabitants of Boston and Salem under the command of William Phipps, 21st May, 1690. Extract from the Narrative by M. de Goutin of the taking of the fort at Pimiquid, 22 August, 1696. From: Public Archives of Canada, 1912. Appendix F, pp [67 – 74] Sessional paper 29b. Bound with other items under title: S. State Papers in Canadian Archives Reports, 1911, 1922. 23 cm. Photocopy.
- Journal of the Expedition Under Sir. William Phipps Against Port Royal, 1690. From: Public Archives of Canada, 1912. Appendix E, pp. 54 -[63]. Bound with other items under title: Nova Scotia State Papers in Canadian Archives Reports 1911, 1922. 23 cm.
- Letters from Governor Parr to Lord Shelburne, Describing the Arrival and Settlement of the United Empire Loyalists in Nova Scotia, 1783 – 1784. From: Public Archives of Canada, [1911?]. Appendix E, pp. 1 – 12. Sessional paper No. 30. Bound with other items under title: Nova Scotia State Papers in Canadian Archives Reports 1911, 1912. Photocopy. 23 cm.
- Report by Captain Morris to Governor Shirley upon his survey of Lands in Nova Scotia available for Protestant settlers, 1749. From Public Archives of Canada, 1912. Appendix H., [5] p. Sessional paper No. 29b. Bound with other items under title: Nova Scotia State Papers in Canadian Archives Reports, 1911, 1922. Photocopy. 23 cm. Report on Nova Scotia by Colonel Robert Morse, R.E., 1784. From: Public Archives of Canada, 1912. Appendix C, pp. XXVIII – LIX. Bound with other items under title: Nova Scotia State Papers in Canadian Archives Reports, 1911, 1922. Photocopy. 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Verse (cover title)
- Nova Scotia in Poetry, Parts I – IV. Excerpts from Novascotiana Section of Journal of Education. (January, April-June, October 1963, February 1964.) “Contributed by Shirley Elliott.” 22 X 16 cm. Photocopies. Cover title says Nova Scotia Verse.
Nova Scotia Voluntary Planning Board plan for the agriculture sector. July 1966. 43 p., 28 cm. Photocopy.
Opening of the Pictou Railway, Nova Scotia. Observations, correspondence, etc. / submitted by Sanford Flemming, Civil engineer. May 31, 1867. Halifax, N.S.: A. Grant, 1867. 28 p. 22 cm. Photocopy.
Parsons, Elsie Clews
- Micmac Folklore. From: Journal of American Folklore, Volume 38, No. 147. 1925. pp. 55-133.
- Micmac Notes. From: Journal of American Folklore, Volume 39, No. 148. 1926. pp. 460-485. Photocopies. Cover title: Journal of American Folklore – Parsons.
People of the hinterland: community interrelations in a maritime province of Canada / Allister Macmillan and Alexander H. Leighton. From: Human Problems in Technological Change, n.d. pp. 225-242. 23 cm. Photocopy.
Percy, H.R.
- Falling for Mavis/ H.R. Percy. From New Canadian Stories, Oberon Press. 1975. pp. 131-152; 21 cm. Photocopy.
- R. Percy in Queen’s Quarterly. 1v.; 22 cm. Bound photocopies. Contents:
- An Inglorious Affair
- The Essay: An Art in Eclypse
- Criticism
- Mankipoo
- Reflections
Picture-Writing of the American Indians / George Mallery. pp. 25-42. (Introduction, Ch. 1, a portion of Ch. 2 dealing with petroglyphs in Nova Scotia, pp 738-746.) 29 cm. Photocopy.
Port Roseway Gazette… [A selection of front pages of Nova Scotia newspapers printed from microfilm. Bound with: Royalist Printers at Shelburne, Nova Scotia / Douglas C. McMurtie, under title “Port Roseway Gazette…]
- – Nova Scotia Packet. July 27, 1786
- – Royal American Gazette. December 13, 1736
- – Port Roseway Gazette and Shelburne Advertiser. January 13, 1783
- – Cape Sable Chronicle. December 4, 1902
- – Coast Guard. August 25, 1904
- – Cape Sable Advertiser. June 3, 1886
- – Shelburne Budget. February 1, 1901
- – Shelburne Express. October 24, 1894
Proceedings of the first convention held at Halifax, N.S. under the auspices of the Halifax Young Men’s Christian Association. October 1867. Halifax: William Macnab, Printer, 1867. 23 cm. Photocopy.
Proceedings of The Haliburton of the University of King’s College. No. 1. Haliburton: the man and his writing, a study / by Blake I. Crofton. Windsor, N.S.: J.J. Anslow, 1889. 77 p., 23 cm. Re-bound Original.
Reformers of the nineteenth century: a lecture delivered before the Young Men’s Christian Association of Halifax, N.S. on Tuesday evening, January 29, 1867 / Rev. G.M. Grant. Halifax, N.S.: James Bowes & Sons. 32 p. 21 cm. Photocopy.
Regional Bibliography – the Atlantic Provinces / Shirley B. Elliott. pp. 118- 139. Bound with National Bibliography – the Retrospective. / Douglas G. Lochhead. 22 cm.
- National Bibliography – Retrospective/ Douglas G. Lochhead. pp. 1-16. Bound with Regional Bibliography – the Atlantic Provinces / Shirley B. Elliott. 22 cm.
Reminiscences of a pioneer school teacher; and, Thomas McCulloch, advocate of non-sectarian education / W.B. Hamilton. From:The Nova Scotia Teacher, April 1964. 23 cm. Photocopy.
Report by Captain Morris to Governor Shirley upon his survey of Lands in Nova Scotia available for Protestant settlers, 1749. From Public Archives of Canada, 1912. Appendix H., [5] p. Sessional paper No. 29b. Bound with other items under title: Nova Scotia State Papers in Canadian Archives Reports, 1911, 1922. Photocopy. 23 cm. Report on Nova Scotia by Colonel Robert Morse, R.E., 1784. From: Public Archives of Canada, 1912. Appendix C, pp. XXVIII – LIX. Bound with other items under title: Nova Scotia State Papers in Canadian Archives Reports, 1911, 1922. Photocopy. 23 cm.
Report on the Smith-Nickerson House and the removal of its painted floors / Cora Greenaway. Prepared for The Heritage Unit, Nova Scotia Department of Culture, Recreation and Fitness. January, 1986.
Royalist Printers at Shelburne, Nova Scotia / Douglas C. McMurtrie. Parts 1 and 2. From: The American Book Collector, December 1932 and following issue. [5] p. Bound with a selection of front pages of Nova Scotia newspapers, printed from microfilm under title Port Roseway Gazette. 24 cm.
Scottish Folk-Songs from Nova Scotia and the Outer Isles of Scotland, 1947 / John Lorne Campbell, comp. 58 leaves. Music, Gaelic lyrics. Bound with: Scottish Gaelic in Canada / John Lorne Campbell. Cover title. 29 cm. Photocopy.
- Scottish Gaelic in Canada / J.L. Campbell. From: American Speech, April 1936. Volume XI, No. 2. pp. [128] – 136. Bound with: Scottish Folk-Songs from Nova Scotia …/ John Lorne Campbell. 29 cm. Photocopy.
Scottish Gaelic books, pamphlets and articles published in Canada and written by Canadians. Canadian Library Association, Occasional Paper No. 53. 1967. 7 p., 29 cm.
Scottish Gaelic in Canada / J.L. Campbell. From: American Speech, April 1936. Volume XI, No. 2. pp. [128] – 136. Bound with: Scottish Folk-Songs from Nova Scotia … / John Lorne Campbell. 29 cm. Photocopy.
- Scottish Folk-Songs from Nova Scotia and the Outer Isles of Scotland, 1947 / John Lorne Campbell, comp. 58 leaves. Music, Gaelic lyrics. Bound with: Scottish Gaelic in Canada/ John Lorne Campbell. Cover title. 29 cm. Photocopy.
The Ship-masters of old Cape Sables / Capt. Arthur N. McGray. Collection of photocopies of newspaper articles from Shelburne Coast Guard, 1941. 37 cm. Bound. Spine title: Cape Sable Ship Masters.
Silas T. Rand, nineteenth century anthropologist among the Micmac / Virginia P. Miller. From: Ethno history, 1976. pp. [235] – 239. Bound with others under title: A.H. Clark and others
Sketch of Joseph Howe ( Cover Title)
- Honorable Joseph Howe, of Halifax, Nova Scotia. From William Notman’s Portraits of the British Americans. pp. [219] – 308. 20 cm. Cover title: Sketch of Joseph Howe.
Some descriptions of Halifax buildings / Susan Buggey. From: APT, Vol. VI, No. 3, 1974, pp. 150-153. Bound with other items under title: Some descriptions of Halifax buildings. Photocopy. 29 cm.
- Canada’s First, and Only, Tidal Lock at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia/ Robert F. Legget. From: Canadian Consulting Engineer, January/February 1978. pp. 56-57. Bound with other items under title Some Descriptions of Halifax Buildings. 29 cm. Photocopy.
- Colonial Maritime Literature: Who Cares?/ Thomas B. Vincent. From: Atlantic Canada Archivist. Nov. 1976. pp. 17-20. Bound With Other Items Under Title: Some Descriptions of Halifax Buildings. 29 cm. Photocopy.
- [Dartmouth Historical Survey] From Plan for the Future of Dartmouth. / N.S. Department of Municipal Affairs, 1945. pp. 6-8. Typescript. Bound with other items under title: Some Descriptions of Halifax Buildings. 29 cm. Photocopy.
- Few Notes on the Early History of Tusket and its Dutch Loyalist Families/ Robert B. Blauveldt. From Yarmouth Herald? 2 p. Bound with other items under title: Some Descriptions of Halifax Buildings. Photocopy. 29 cm.
Thomas McCulloch / D.C. Harvey. From: Canadian Portraits. pp. 22-28. 20 cm.
Titus Smith, a pioneer of plant ecology in North America / Eville Gorham. From: Ecology, Vol. 36, No. 1. January 1955. pp. 116-123. 28 cm. Photocopy.
Titus Smith, Junior, and the geography of Nova Scotia in 1801 and 1802 / Andrew Hill Clark. From: Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. XLIV, No. 4. December 1954. pp. [291] – 314. Photocopy. Bound with others under title: A.H. Clark and Others, and includes newspaper clipping from February 26, 1979 titled “The philosopher of Dutch Village Road.”
Uniacke, Richard John, 1753 – 1830. Bound articles. 1v. 29 cm.
- Richard John Uniacke(1753-1830). / J.S. Martell. From Canadian Portraits. pp. 15-21. Photocopy.
- The Library of Richard John Uniacke, Attorney General of Nova Scotia, 1753- 1830./ Shirley Elliott. Typescript.
- Mount Uniacke, Colonial seat of the Uniacke Family. / Constance T. Piers. From Canadian Homes and Gardens for March, 1927. [3] p. Photocopy.
Union fire-club, Halifax: Rules and Orders 1954-9 4 p. 29 cm. Photocopy.
William and Mary Quarterly. Selections. 1v. 29 cm.
- The American Revolution: revisions in need of revising. / Edmund S. Morgan. Volume 14, No. 1, 1957. pp. [3] – 15.
- A Caution to erring Christians: ecclesiastical disorder on Cape Cod, 1717 to 1738. / J.M. Bumstead. Volume 28, 1971. pp. 413-438.
- “Thieving Buggers” and “Stupid Sluts”: insults and popular culture in New France. / Peter N. Moogk. Volume 36, October 1979. Photocopy.
William and Mary Quarterly. Selections. 1v. 22 cm.
- The European Impact on the Culture of a Northeastern Algonquian Tribe: an ecological interpretation. / Calvin Martin. V ?, No. ?, n.d. pp. [3] – 26. Photocopy.
- Revivalism and separatism in New England: the first society of Norwich, Connecticut, as a case study. / J.M. Bumstead. V. ?, No. ?, n.d. pp. 588 – 612. Photocopy.
Wilson, George E.
- Wider Horizons. / George E. Wilson, Presidential address to the Canadian Historical Association, 1951. 11 p.
- Have I anything to declare? Presidential address for 1962. From: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada, Volume LVI: Series III: June 1962. 22 cm. Photocopy.
- All or nothing. Privately published and printed, 1972. 63 leaves.
- Three items bound together under title Addresses/ by George E. Wilson. Photocopy.
Winter’s tale: the seasonal contours of pre-industrial poverty in British North America, 1815-1860 / Judith Fingard. From:Historical Papers, 1974. pp. 65-94. 23 cm. Photocopy.
Wolf in the snow / Warren Tallman. From: Canadian Literature. pp. 7-48. 22 cm. Photocopy.