Programming Policy

Western Counties Regional Library (WCRL) is committed to providing high quality; inclusive, community-based programming that enriches peoples’ lives. This policy addresses the development and delivery of all library-led programs including partnerships, virtual, in-house, and outreach programs.


We commit to provide programs that meet the needs of our community and align with our mission statement, statement of values, and core services. We aim to create an environment where all community members feel that they belong and can participate freely with respect, dignity and freedom from all expressions of discrimination.

WCRL develops and delivers programs that:

  • Reflect its communities.
  • Are available in both French and English languages.
  • Encourage reading, literacy, lifelong learning and the development of new skills.
  • Support an appreciation of the diverse cultures reflected in the broader community.
  • Are inclusive and accessible.
  • Foster social connection.
  • Strives to attract new library users and provide an introduction to the wealth of library services available to community members.
  • Uphold the principle of intellectual freedom and support the rights of individuals to read, speak, view and exchange differing viewpoints on any subject provided that they do not contravene the Criminal Code of Canada and the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act.


Our programs embrace the principles of diversity, accessibility, equity and inclusiveness so that all members of the community are welcomed and able to participate.

Our programs may cover a range of topics and ideas of current interest and possible future significance, including topics and ideas which reflect current conditions, trends and controversies. We determine community needs and interests by gathering input and reviewing suggestions for programs and events. We welcome feedback on our programs and encourage suggestions for future offerings.  

Content may be developed and presented by WCRL staff or by experts outside the organization including authors and illustrators, performers, agencies, professionals, and community members with expertise relating to the programming topic. Partners and presenters may share their business/professional affiliation, but may not sell or promote their products or paid services. Authors invited to read from their work are exempt and may sell their books at the program. Book sales must be coordinated by the author and approved by the library ahead of time. The library will provide a space for the author to conduct sales, but it is the responsibility of the author and/or publisher to manage all sales and transactions.


WCRL may collaborate with not-for-profit or for-profit organizations.  Programs will be developed and delivered in accordance with all applicable library policies.

Programs delivered by partners will be open to and accessible to all community members and will be provided free of charge. Programs will be delivered at times and locations that maximize convenience and encourage attendance by the target audience. Individuals or organizations interested in presenting a library program and/or in collaborating with us may express their interest by filling out the Submit a Program Proposal form.  Generally, WCRL does not compensate partners and presenters for their time. We will consider covering the cost of program-related materials on a case-by case basis.


To ensure a quality program experience for participants, WCRL reserves the right to:

  • Limit program attendance based on considerations such as space and participant experience.
  • Set age guidelines and optimal group size for activity or instruction.
  • Determine whether a program is viable or fiscally feasible, based on community input, prospective interest and other factors.
  • Cancel or terminate a program that, in the opinion of the Library, is misrepresented by the program provider, does not ensure the dignity and safety of the public or library staff, places at risk library property and/or space or is incompliant with library policies.
  • Review its program offerings regularly and make changes, based on the Library’s mission statement, statement of values and core services, as well as community demand and interest.

Approval of a previous program proposal does not guarantee that an individual or organization will be asked to offer the program again or have future proposals approved.

Should programs be cancelled, the Library will make every effort to notify the public of this decision in a timely manner.