
a. Loan Period

Most library materials are signed out for a three-week loan period. 

Automatic renewals on most physical materials are given provided there is no other patron waiting for that item. Physical materials can be renewed a maximum of three (3) times for a period of three (3) weeks each time.

Borrow by Mail patrons have a loan period of five (5) weeks.

Institutions have a loan period of eight (8) weeks.

b. Damaged or Lost Items

Adults and parents or legal guardians of children are responsible for borrowed library materials and are required to pay for intentionally damaged or lost items. Replacement of the lost item is not acceptable payment. If the lost item is found after payment has been made, the original item may be accepted for refund up to two years from the time the item was lost. A damaged item may be returned to the borrower upon the borrower’s request after deaccession of the book.

All charges are based on the current replacement cost of the item. If the item is no longer available, a fixed price listing is used.

See: Fees for Lost or Damaged Materials. These are standard prices to charge if the actual price paid for the particular title is not found in the library’s catalogue record.

 c. Overdue Library Materials Policy

Western Counties Regional Library does not charge fees for overdue materials. Please return your books on time as a courtesy to fellow patrons.

d. Interlibrary Loan Policy

The Western Counties Regional Library Board follows the interlibrary loan policies set by the Nova Scotia Provincial Library and the Library and Archives of Canada.

Interlibrary loans must be returned promptly. An overdue letter is sent to the borrower one day after the item is due.

Interlibrary loan privileges may be refused or suspended for borrowers who do not comply with the rules or who have had repeated infractions.

Requests for renewals of interlibrary loan materials must be received at least one week before the item is due. The decision to permit a renewal lies with the lending library.