
August 2024
image of colouring pages and colouring tools
Aug 03 2024

Colour with Pride!

Bibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)
Rocks painted as insects
Aug 07 2024

Rock Painting

Bibliothèque commémorative Isaiah W. Wilson (Digby)
September 2024
green and orange maple leaf
Sep 03 - 07 2024

Leaf Placemat

Bibliothèque de Clark's Harbour
green and orange maple leaf
Sep 10 - 14 2024

Leaf Placemat

Bibliothèque de Clark's Harbour
image of colouring pages and colouring tools
Sep 14 2024

Colour with Pride!

Bibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)
green and orange maple leaf
Sep 17 - 21 2024

Leaf Placemat

Bibliothèque de Clark's Harbour
hands dripping with light blue goo above a bowl
Sep 17 2024

Ooblek Night

Bibliothèque municipale de Barrington
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