Événements à l’affiche
What does it take to adopt-a-book?
It is exciting to see new books on display at your local library during Western Counties Regional Library’s Adopt-A-Book campaign (AAB). By the end of the two-month campaign on Nov. 30, people donated $21,362.75, adopting 690 books.
Plus d’infosPlayaways rekindle love of reading
Barry Crowell has lost much of his vision through age-related macular degeneration (AMD), but he has gained a love of reading through Western Counties Regional Library’s Playaways.
Plus d’infosTous les événements
February 2025
Thumbprint HeartsenfantsOngoing
Obtenez de l'aide pour trouver du travail !adulteadosExpired
Après-midi arts de la fibreadulteExpired
Fun with Arts and Crafts: Paintenfants
Introduction to Eco-Farming Permacultureadulte
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- 12Thumbprint HeartsenfantsOngoingBibliothèque de Clark's HarbourToute la journéeChildren can visit the library and make Valentine’s Day cards full of their thumbprint hearts during open hours from Feb. 4 to 14. , ...Get Help Finding Work!adulteadosExpiredBibliothèque de Pubnico10h à 13hA case manager from Nova Scotia Works (CDÉNÉ) will be at the library to provide help in finding employment, career options, building a resumé, and more. This program is first-come first-served, and you must bring your Social Insurance Number. This program is provided in partnership with Conseil de développement économi , ...Fibre Arts AfternoonadulteExpiredBibliothèque Sénateur Ambroise H. Comeau (Meteghan)13h à 14h30No matter your skill level, join us for an afternoon of knitting, crocheting, sewing, embroidery, or any project you wish to make. Bring your own supplies. This program is for adults. , ...Fun with Arts and Crafts: PaintenfantsBibliothèque commémorative McKay (Shelburne)18h30 - 19h30Children aged 5 to 11 can make your name stand out with this colourful paint-daubing activity. Children under 9 must be accompanied by an adult. Register no later than Friday, Feb. 7 by contacting the library. , ...Introduction to Eco-Farming PermacultureadulteBibliothèque municipale de Barrington18h30 - 19h30If you have a garden or just a flower patch, this workshop is for you. Matthew Roy of Coastal Grove Farm will discuss permaculture techniques that enhance gardens or yards of any size. Permaculture principles focus on all aspects of the ecosystem to take advantage of the beneficial elements. With heavier rainfall and m , ...
- 13Thumbprint HeartsenfantsBibliothèque de Clark's HarbourToute la journéeChildren can visit the library and make Valentine’s Day cards full of their thumbprint hearts during open hours from Feb. 4 to 14. , ...Preschool Story TimeenfantsBibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)10h - 11hChildren aged five and under and their caregivers are invited to join staff from Parent’s Place for an hour of stories and play at the library. This program is in partnership with Parents Place. , ...Community Play GroupenfantsBibliothèque municipale de Barrington10h - 11hFamilies with children five and younger can join library and Shelburne Family Resource Centre staff for a variety of free play, songs, games and story time at the library. , ...Science ClubenfantsBibliothèque commémorative Isaiah W. Wilson (Digby)15h à 16hChildren aged 7-11 can explore the wonders of science through exciting, themed experiments. Register by Tuesday, Feb. 11 by contacting the library. , ...Bad Art Night: Valentine’s EditionadulteBibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)5:00 pm - 7:45 pmEveryone’s an artist, but not everyone’s a good artist! Using kid’s craft materials, adults can make a Valentine’s Day art project. The worst submission is the winner! Coffee and tea available. Register no later than Wednesday, Feb. 12 by contacting the library. , ...Writing Short FictionadulteAll branch libraries18h - 20hThis 4-week workshop with author Julian Mortimer Smith is open to any adult (18+) who is interested in writing fiction. No experience is necessary. All you need is an idea. The workshop will focus on fleshing out that idea, shaping it into a story, and getting that story down on the page. The workshop will cover plot, , ...
- 14Thumbprint HeartsenfantsBibliothèque de Clark's HarbourToute la journéeChildren can visit the library and make Valentine’s Day cards full of their thumbprint hearts during open hours from Feb. 4 to 14. , ...Family FunadulteenfantsBibliothèque commémorative McKay (Shelburne)10:30 am - 12:00 pmMeet your friends at the library to read and play together! This drop-in program is for families with young children. , ...Crafter NoonsadulteBibliothèque commémorative Isaiah W. Wilson (Digby)14h - 16hJoin other crafters to chat and share ideas. Bring your own supplies to work on your project while enjoying good company. This program is for adults. , ...
- 15Exhibit: Coastal DreamsadulteenfantsadosBibliothèque commémorative Isaiah W. Wilson (Digby)Toute la journéeThis exhibit features the abstract work of local artist Nadine Belliveau, depicting scenes of life in and along Baie Ste-Marie. Her acrylic paintings explore her environment. She uses abstract and decorative images to share her colourful view of the region. Her contribution to the arts is as an artist, an educator, and , ...Scrapbooking ClubadulteadosBibliothèque Sénateur Ambroise H. Comeau (Meteghan)10h à 12hAdults and teens can work on their own scrapbooking project with a group that wants to share ideas and projects. Bring your own supplies. , ...LEGO ClubenfantsBibliothèque commémorative McKay (Shelburne)10:30 am - 12:00 pmUse your imagination to design and build a LEGO creation. This program is for children aged 5 to 12 (those under 9 years of age must be accompanied by an adult). , ...
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- 17We are closed for Heritage DayadulteenfantsadosAll branch librariesToute la journéeAll library branches and Headquarters will be closed for Heritage Day. , ...
- 18Exhibit: All the Colours of WinteradulteenfantsadosBibliothèque commémorative McKay (Shelburne)Toute la journéeThis exhibit features watercolour paintings of nature scenes in winter by artist Louise Heslop. The artist has lived and worked in Shelburne County since February 2015 and produces original artwork, commissions, and pet portraits from a little studio by the ocean. The exhibit can be viewed during open hours from Tuesda , ...Fibre GroupadulteBibliothèque de Westport10:15 am - 12:15 pmBring your friends and a work in progress or come and learn a new needlecraft skill. This program is for adults. , ...A Crafty AfternoonadulteBibliothèque Weymouth Waterfront13h à 16hHave fun with others while you work on your project. This can be knitting, crocheting, rug hooking, sewing, painting or working on any craft you wish. Please bring your own supplies. This program is for adults. , ...Get Help Finding Work!adulteadosBibliothèque Sénateur Ambroise H. Comeau (Meteghan)13h à 16hA case manager from Nova Scotia Works (CDÉNÉ) will be at the library to provide help in finding employment, career options, building a resumé, and more. This program is first-come first-served, and you must bring your Social Insurance Number. This program is provided in partnership with Conseil de développement économi , ...Scrabble ClubadulteLillian B. Benham Library (Lockeport)14h30 à 16h30Join us for a game or two of Scrabble and enjoy a fun afternoon. This program is for adults. , ...Discover Dungeons & DragonsadulteenfantsadosBibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)5:30 pm - 7:30 pmWhether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a complete beginner, embark on a magical journey. Premade characters are available, and young adventurers (10 and older) are welcome. Please register ahead to reserve one of the 10 spots by contacting the library. , ...
- 19Fibre Arts AfternoonadulteBibliothèque Sénateur Ambroise H. Comeau (Meteghan)13h à 14h30No matter your skill level, join us for an afternoon of knitting, crocheting, sewing, embroidery, or any project you wish to make. Bring your own supplies. This program is for adults. , ...Mod Podge Mason Jar Candle HoldersadulteBibliothèque municipale de Barrington18h30 - 19h30Adults can make Mason jar candle holders using napkins and Mod Podge, a glue, varnish and sealer. Register no later than Friday, Feb. 14 by contacting the library. , ...
- 20Preschool Story TimeenfantsBibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)10h - 11hChildren aged five and under and their caregivers are invited to join staff from Parent’s Place for an hour of stories and play at the library. This program is in partnership with Parents Place. , ...Community Play GroupenfantsBibliothèque municipale de Barrington10h - 11hFamilies with children five and younger can join library and Shelburne Family Resource Centre staff for a variety of free play, songs, games and story time at the library. , ...Adult Board Game NightadulteadosBibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)5:15 pm - 7:45 pmAdults and teens are invited to join Izaak and hang out and play modern board games. All experience levels are welcome. Games are available but people may bring their own. This program is for teens and adults. , ...ToastmastersadulteBibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)5:15 pm - 7:00 pmDevelop public speaking and leadership skills through the Yarmouth Chapter of Toastmasters International via Zoom or in-person at the library. For more information and to gain Zoom access to the meetings, contact the Yarmouth library. New members are welcome. , ...Writing Short FictionadulteAll branch libraries18h - 20hThis 4-week workshop with author Julian Mortimer Smith is open to any adult (18+) who is interested in writing fiction. No experience is necessary. All you need is an idea. The workshop will focus on fleshing out that idea, shaping it into a story, and getting that story down on the page. The workshop will cover plot, , ...
- 21Community Play GroupenfantsLillian B. Benham Library (Lockeport)9:30 am - 10:30 amThis program features fun stories, songs, games and a craft for children five years and younger accompanied by caregivers. This program is in partnership with Shelburne Family Resource Centre. Participants are asked to register at least one day ahead of time. , ...Sleepy-Time Story TimeenfantsBibliothèque commémorative Isaiah W. Wilson (Digby)10:30 am - 11:00 amHave a lazy morning and come to the library in your pyjamas! Bring your favourite stuffed friend and cozy blanket to cuddle up for stories, songs, and activities. This program is for children five and under with their caregivers. , ...Family FunadulteenfantsBibliothèque commémorative McKay (Shelburne)10:30 am - 12:00 pmMeet your friends at the library to read and play together! This drop-in program is for families with young children. , ...
- 22Exhibit: All the Colours of WinteradulteenfantsadosBibliothèque commémorative McKay (Shelburne)Toute la journéeThis exhibit features watercolour paintings of nature scenes in winter by artist Louise Heslop. The artist has lived and worked in Shelburne County since February 2015 and produces original artwork, commissions, and pet portraits from a little studio by the ocean. The exhibit can be viewed during open hours from Tuesda , ...Exhibit: Coastal DreamsadulteenfantsadosBibliothèque commémorative Isaiah W. Wilson (Digby)Toute la journéeThis exhibit features the abstract work of local artist Nadine Belliveau, depicting scenes of life in and along Baie Ste-Marie. Her acrylic paintings explore her environment. She uses abstract and decorative images to share her colourful view of the region. Her contribution to the arts is as an artist, an educator, and , ...Scrapbooking ClubadulteadosBibliothèque Sénateur Ambroise H. Comeau (Meteghan)10h à 12hAdults and teens can work on their own scrapbooking project with a group that wants to share ideas and projects. Bring your own supplies. , ...LEGO ClubenfantsBibliothèque commémorative McKay (Shelburne)10:30 am - 12:00 pmUse your imagination to design and build a LEGO creation. This program is for children aged 5 to 12 (those under 9 years of age must be accompanied by an adult). , ...Painting with JoannaadulteBibliothèque commémorative Isaiah W. Wilson (Digby)11h à 12h30Adults can join Joanna Jarvis and paint a whimsical scene of birds in winter. Register no later than Wednesday, Feb. 19 by contacting the library. , ...Meditation GroupadulteadosBibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)14h à 15hThe Yarmouth library hosts an ongoing meditation group every other Saturday. The group is open to anyone who wishes to practice any form of silent, seated meditation in the company of others, followed by a brief discussion. If you are new to meditation, instructions on a simple technique are available upon request. Cha , ...
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- 24Yarmouth Library Book Club: Cloud Cuckoo LandadulteBibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)14h à 15hBook club members will discuss Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr. From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author comes a triumph of imagination and compassion, a soaring novel about children on the cusp of adulthood in a broken world, who find resilience, hope, and story. Those interested in joining should contact the library , ...
- 25Exhibit: All the Colours of WinteradulteenfantsadosBibliothèque commémorative McKay (Shelburne)Toute la journéeThis exhibit features watercolour paintings of nature scenes in winter by artist Louise Heslop. The artist has lived and worked in Shelburne County since February 2015 and produces original artwork, commissions, and pet portraits from a little studio by the ocean. The exhibit can be viewed during open hours from Tuesda , ...The Novel Bunch Reading Group: Freedom to Read WeekadulteBibliothèque de Westport10:15 am - 12:15 pmFebruary 23 to March 1, 2025 is Freedom to Read Week when members selects material from banned or challenged books. This program is for adults. , ...A Crafty AfternoonadulteBibliothèque Weymouth Waterfront13h à 16hHave fun with others while you work on your project. This can be knitting, crocheting, rug hooking, sewing, painting or working on any craft you wish. Please bring your own supplies. This program is for adults. , ...Scrabble ClubadulteLillian B. Benham Library (Lockeport)14h30 à 16h30Join us for a game or two of Scrabble and enjoy a fun afternoon. This program is for adults. , ...Make Pasta from Scratch!adulteadosBibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)4:00 pm - 6:30 pmLearn pasta making basics with chef Kate Giglio! In this class you’ll learn how to make a basic pasta dough and roll out fettuccine noodles. At the end of class, participants will enjoy the pasta with a nice, bright, Italian tomato sauce. This program is for ages 14 and older. There is space for a maximum of 12 p , ...
- 26Fibre Arts AfternoonadulteBibliothèque Sénateur Ambroise H. Comeau (Meteghan)13h à 14h30No matter your skill level, join us for an afternoon of knitting, crocheting, sewing, embroidery, or any project you wish to make. Bring your own supplies. This program is for adults. , ...Digby Book Club: Nora WebsteradulteBibliothèque commémorative Isaiah W. Wilson (Digby)6:30 pm - 8:00 pmJoin Colleen Humbert for a lively and in-depth discussion of recent Irish novels. This month’s choice is Nora Webster by Colm Tóibín. Participants were to register no later than Thursday, Jan. 2 by contacting the library to ensure enough books are available. This program is for adults. , ...Science Club: Science of Spinning TopsenfantsBibliothèque commémorative McKay (Shelburne)18h30 - 19h30Learn about how a top spins. Use a recycled CD to create your own spinning top. This program is for children aged 5 to 11. Children under 9 must be accompanied by an adult. Register no later than Friday, Feb. 21 by contacting the library. , ...
- 27Preschool Story TimeenfantsBibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)10h - 11hChildren aged five and under and their caregivers are invited to join staff from Parent’s Place for an hour of stories and play at the library. This program is in partnership with Parents Place. , ...Community Play GroupenfantsBibliothèque municipale de Barrington10h - 11hFamilies with children five and younger can join library and Shelburne Family Resource Centre staff for a variety of free play, songs, games and story time at the library. , ...Teens and Tweens Board GamesadosBibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)5:30 pm - 7:30 pmTeens and Tweens can join library clerk ‘Feral’ Carol to play a variety of board and card games. Games will be provided or people can bring their own. , ...Writing Short FictionadulteAll branch libraries18h - 20hThis 4-week workshop with author Julian Mortimer Smith is open to any adult (18+) who is interested in writing fiction. No experience is necessary. All you need is an idea. The workshop will focus on fleshing out that idea, shaping it into a story, and getting that story down on the page. The workshop will cover plot, , ...
- 28Exhibit: Coastal DreamsadulteenfantsadosBibliothèque commémorative Isaiah W. Wilson (Digby)Toute la journéeThis exhibit features the abstract work of local artist Nadine Belliveau, depicting scenes of life in and along Baie Ste-Marie. Her acrylic paintings explore her environment. She uses abstract and decorative images to share her colourful view of the region. Her contribution to the arts is as an artist, an educator, and , ...Family FunadulteenfantsBibliothèque commémorative McKay (Shelburne)10:30 am - 12:00 pmMeet your friends at the library to read and play together! This drop-in program is for families with young children. , ...Crafter NoonsadulteBibliothèque commémorative Isaiah W. Wilson (Digby)14h - 16hJoin other crafters to chat and share ideas. Bring your own supplies to work on your project while enjoying good company. This program is for adults. , ...
- 1Exhibit: All the Colours of WinterToute la journéeThis exhibit features watercolour paintings of nature scenes in winter by artist Louise Heslop. The artist has lived and worked in Shelburne County since February 2015 and produces original artwork, commissions, and pet portraits from a little studio by the ocean. The exhibit can be viewed during open hours from Tuesda , ...Scrapbooking Club10h à 12hAdults and teens can work on their own scrapbooking project with a group that wants to share ideas and projects. Bring your own supplies. , ...Photography Exhibit: Scenes from the Acadian Shore10h à 13hThis photography exhibit features the beautiful work of Catherine LeBlanc, featuring vistas from the Clare and Weymouth area. The exhibit can be viewed during open hours in March. The photos were taken using an iPhone. LeBlanc loves cloudy skies paired with water views, of which the region has many. , ...Free Income Tax Help for Seniors with Low Incomes10:00 am - 2:00 pmFile your income tax online with help from registered Canadian Revenue Agency volunteers! Drop off your income tax forms during library open hours or schedule a meeting on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. This program is open to all low-income seniors in Shelburne county and is in partnership with Shelburne County Seni , ...Free Income Tax Help for Low Income Earners10:00 am - 2:00 pmLow-income earners can file their income tax online with help from registered Canadian Revenue Agency volunteers. Visit or contact the library to make an appointment. This program is in partnership with the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program. , ...LEGO Club10:30 am - 12:00 pmUse your imagination to design and build a LEGO creation. This program is for children aged 5 to 12 (those under 9 years of age must be accompanied by an adult). , ...Create with Pride!2:30 pm - 3:30 pmDe-stress with art and colouring for 2SLGBTQ+ folks! Drop-ins and allies are welcome. Materials are provided, but you are welcome to bring your own. Feel free to bring any arts and crafts you are working on, or just hang out and read. This program is for ages 14 and older. , ...
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