
Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily List
January 2025

Family Fun

Meet your friends at the library to read books and play together! This drop-in program is for families with young children.
31 Jan
10:30 am - 12h
Bibliothèque commémorative McKay (Shelburne)
P.O. Box 158, 17 Glasgow Street Shelburne, NS B0T 1W0

Crafter Noons

Join other crafters to chat and share ideas. Bring your own supplies to work on your project while enjoying good company. This program is for adults.
31 Jan
14h - 16h
Bibliothèque commémorative Isaiah W. Wilson (Digby)
84 rue Warwick
February 2025

Club scrapbooking

Les adultes et les adolescents peuvent travailler sur leur propre projet de scrapbooking avec un groupe souhaitant partager des idées et des projets. Apportez vos propres fournitures.
01 Feb
10h - 12h
Bibliothèque Sénateur Ambroise H. Comeau (Meteghan)
29 Chemin Haché, Meteghan, NS B0W 2J0


Design and build a LEGO creation. This program is for children aged 5 to 12. Note: Children under 9 must be accompanied by an caregiver.
01 Feb
10:30 am - 12h
Bibliothèque commémorative McKay (Shelburne)
P.O. Box 158, 17 Glasgow Street Shelburne, NS B0T 1W0

Create with Pride!

De-stress with an colouring group for 2SLGBTQ+ folks! Drop-ins and allies are welcome. Materials are provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.
01 Feb
14h30 - 3:30 pm
Bibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)
405 Main Street, Yarmouth, NS B5A 1G3

Thumbprint Hearts

Children can visit the library and make Valentine's Day cards full of their thumbprint hearts during open hours from Feb. 4 to 14.
04 - 08 Feb
Toute la journée
Bibliothèque de Clark's Harbour
P.O. Box 189 2648 Main Street Clark’s Harbour, NS B0W 1P0

A Crafty Afternoon

Have fun with others while you work on your project. This can be knitting, crocheting, rug hooking, sewing, painting or working on any craft you wish. Please bring your own supplies.
04 Feb
13h - 16h
Bibliothèque Weymouth Waterfront
P.O. Box 340, 4577 Highway 1 Weymouth, NS B0W 3T0
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