
Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily List
March 2025

Après-midi arts de la fibre

Peu importe votre niveau de compétence, rejoignez-nous pour un après-midi de tricot, de crochet, de couture, de broderie ou de tout autre projet que vous souhaitez réaliser. Apportez votre propre matériel. Ce programme est destiné aux adultes.
12 Mar
13h - 14h30
Bibliothèque Sénateur Ambroise H. Comeau (Meteghan)
29 Chemin Haché, Meteghan, NS B0W 2J0

Clean Foundation: Water Ways

Dive into how water moves in our natural world, through observation, experimentation and condensation. A stream of experiments will get you in the flow and thinking about the properties of water, while a fun and engaging game will get you moving and circulating.
12 Mar
13h - 14h
Bibliothèque commémorative Isaiah W. Wilson (Digby)
84 rue Warwick

Preschool Story Time

Children aged five and under and their caregivers are invited to join staff from Parent’s Place for an hour of stories and play at the library. This program is in partnership with Parents Place.
13 Mar
10h - 11:00 am
Bibliothèque commémorative Izaak Walton Killam (Yarmouth)
405 Main Street, Yarmouth, NS B5A 1G3

Community Play Group

Families with children five and younger can join library and Shelburne Family Resource Centre staff for a variety of free play, songs, games and story time at the library.
13 Mar
10h - 11:00 am
Bibliothèque municipale de Barrington
P.O. Box 310, 3588 Highway 3 Barrington Passage, NS B0W 1G0

Family Fun

Meet your friends at the library to read books and play together! This drop-in program is for families with young children.
14 Mar
10:30 am - 12h
Bibliothèque commémorative McKay (Shelburne)
P.O. Box 158, 17 Glasgow Street Shelburne, NS B0T 1W0

Crafter Noons

Join other crafters to chat and share ideas. Bring your own supplies to work on your project while enjoying good company. This program is for adults.
14 Mar
14h - 16h
Bibliothèque commémorative Isaiah W. Wilson (Digby)
84 rue Warwick

Club scrapbooking

Les adultes et les adolescents peuvent travailler sur leur propre projet de scrapbooking avec un groupe souhaitant partager des idées et des projets. Apportez vos propres fournitures.
15 Mar
10h - 12h
Bibliothèque Sénateur Ambroise H. Comeau (Meteghan)
29 Chemin Haché, Meteghan, NS B0W 2J0
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