DALHOUSIE REVIEW. Selections. Bound volumes.
46 vols.; 26 cm. Unless another source is noted, articles of interest are photocopied from various issues of The Dalhousie Review and bound together by Mr. Banks.
Some eighteenth century observations on Nova Scotia / A.W. Currie.
The establishment of the first English colonial episcopate / Judith Fingard.
Origins of the Maritime Baptists / J.M. Bumstead.
The geography of Haliburton’s Nova Scotia / G.T. Rimmington.
The many-sided Haliburton / V.L.O. Chittick.
Haliburton on men and things / V.L.O. Chittick.
Books and music in Haliburton / V.L.O. Chittick.
Haliburton’s “Wise Saws” and homely imagery / V.L.O. Chittick.
Rockbound revisited / A.R. Bevan.
Compassionate humour in Haliburton / L.A.A. Harding.
The Commodore of the mackerel fleet: the brine in Haliburton / L.A.A. Harding.
Boston King: A negro Loyalist / Phyllis Blakeley.
Negroes in the Maritimes / R.W. Winks.
The Guysborough negroes……… / G.A. Rawlyk.
William Greenwood of the ‘Flying Fish’ and the ‘Sally’ / Marion Robertson.
Nova Scotia prehistory / J.S. Erskine.
Ethics of evolution / J.S. Erskine.
Truth, religion and scientific / J.S. Erskine.
The Little siren / J.S. Erskine.
The Devil came to Trinidad / J.S. Erskine.
Politics and education in Nova Scotia / J.S. Erskine.
The sesquicentennial of the first synod of the Presbyterian Church in Canada / C.B. Fergusson.
The Martello Tower at Halifax / C.B. Fergusson.
Isaac Hildrith, architect of Government House / C.B. Fergusson.
Ambrose Church, map maker / C.B. Fergusson.
The Halifax Post Office / C.B. Fergusson.
Canadian political oratory: Joseph Howe / W.K. Thomas.
Sir John A. MacDonald: the man / P.B. Waite.
The Acadian response to the growth of British power in Nova Scotia 1749-1755 / W.P. Ward.
The Stanfield Era: A political analysis / Peter Aucoin.
Smallwood’s visit to Ottawa 1946 / R.A. MacKay.
Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island consider an effective Upper House /K.G. Pryke.
Fiscal adjustment in Nova Scotia / Z. Linkletter.
Joseph Howe: mild Tory to reforming assemblyman / J.M. Beck.
The American Revolution and Nova Scotia reconsidered / G.A. Rawlyk.
New England origins of the Louisbourg Expedition of 1745 / G.A. Rawlyk.
The electoral behaviour of N.S. in 1965 / J.M. Beck.
The election of 1963 and national unity / J.M. Beck.
One bill or two / J.M. Beck.
The economic prospects of the Maritime Provinces / N.H. Morse.
Music in Halifax 1749-1799 / T.J. McGee.
Thomas Raddall: The art of historical fiction / D. Cameron.
The Oak Island treasure mystery / R. Wilhelm.
The lawless clan: the Armstrongs / J.E. Rutledge.
An unpublished manuscript of the first Canadian novelist / C.L. Bennet.
The founding of universities in Nova Scotia / G.T. Rimmington.
A Scottish dominie in early Nova Scotia / Grace Tomkinson.
On determining the seniority of Canadian universities / R.D. Mitchener.
Just that much more to move / Grace Tomkinson.
My two worlds / Grace Tomkinson.
Case history of a settlement / Maxwell Sutherland.
George Ramsay, Lord Dalhousie / V.P. Kelleher.
The Halifax-Castine Expedition / D.C. Harvey.
Dalhousie college in “The Sixties” / J. Audrey Lippincott.
Dalhousie today / Carleton Stanley.
George Munro, “The Publisher” / A.J. Crockett.
In defence of Latin / J.W. Logan.
The “Age of Faith” in Nova Scotia / D.C. Harvey.
The saga of a coalfield / F.W. Gray.
The challenge to moral conventions / H.L. Stewart.
The progression of loyalties / Norman McLeod Rogers.
Simon Newcomb / G.H. Henderson.
Loyalist attitudes / Margaret Ells.
Nova Scotia culture fifty years ago / V.P. Seary.
Lyell and Dawson: A centenary / E.A. Collard.
Pioneer geologists of Nova Scotia / F.W. Gray.
The folk ballad / Burns Martin.
That Wasp’s Nest, Placentia / Grace Tomkinson.
High tea in Newfoundland / Grace Tomkinson.
Mr. Zero of Canada / Grace Tomkinson.
Stanley MacKenzie of Dalhousie / Walter Murray.
National historic sites in Nova Scotia / D.C. Harvey.
Early settlement and social conditions in P.E.I. / D.C. Harvey.
Scottish immigration to Cape Breton / D.C. Harvey.
The wreck of the Astraea / D.C. Harvey.
Nova Scotia Philanthropic Society / D.C. Harvey.
Halifax during and after the War of 1812 / J.S. Martell.
The second Expulsion of the Acadians / J.S. Martell.
Hitherto unpublished letters of Joseph Howe / J.A. Chisholm.
More letters of Joseph Howe / J.A. Chisholm.
On living in a house / E.W. Nichols.
One hundred years of ‘Punch’ / J.W. Falconer.
John Johnson, M.A. / J.W. Logan.
Musquodoboit / G.G. Sedgewick.
Highland emigration to Nova Scotia / D.M. Sinclair.
Nova Scotia’s remedy for the American Revolution / J.B. Brebner (C.H.R.).
Nova Scotia during the Revolution / E.P. Weaver (C.H.R.).
The centenary of D’Arcy McGee / D.C. Harvey.
History in stone and bronze / D.C. Harvey.
The road that failed / E.W. Nichols.
The little white schoolhouse / E.W. Nichols.
The old farm in the woods / E.W. Nichols.
Music in Nova Scotia / Phyllis Blakeley.
The scenery of Nova Scotia / J.W. Falconer.
The Norsemen in Canada / A.D. Fraser.
The Old Chairmaker / Evelyn Richardson.
Fielding’s call to Ottawa / D.C. Harvey.
The centenary of Sam Slick / D.C. Harvey.
Nova Scotia “Sparks of Liberty” / Margaret Ells.
Sir F.W. Borden and military reform 1896-1911 / Carman Miller (C.H.R.).
Charles Inglis in Nova Scotia / Judith Fingard (C.H.R.).
Charles Tupper’s minutes of Charlottetown Conference / Wilfred Smith (C.H.R.).
Sir Charles Tupper and the Franco-Canadian Treaty of 1895 / R.A. Shields (C.H.R.).
The search for economy: Imperial Administration of N.S. 1830 / Peter Burroughs (C.H.R.).
The making of a province: Nova Scotia and Confederation / K.G. Pryke (C.H.A.).
Church and State in Maritime Canada 1749-1807 / J.M. Bumstead (C.H.A.).
Introduction to economic history of Maritimes / H.A. Innis (C.H.A.).
Canadian historians and present tendencies in history writing / D.C. Harvey (C.H.A.).
The Maritime Provinces and Confederation / D.C. Harvey (C.H.A.).
The origins of democracy in Canada / A.R. Lower (C.H.A.).
The loafing place / Berton Robinson.
Reminiscences of Parliamentary leaders / C.P. McLennan.
Personalities of the past in Nova Scotia / C.P. McLennan.
Church memoirs of Halifax / C.P. McLennan.
The edge of the forest / P.B. Waite (C.H.A.).
The decline and fall of the empire of the St. Lawrence / D.G. Creighton (C.H.A.).
The party system in Nova Scotia / J.M. Beck (J.P.S.).
British policy in Canadian Confederation / Chester Martin (C.H.R.).
The merchants of Nova Scotia and the American Revolution / W.B. Kerr (C.H.R.).
Canadian and North American history / J.B. Brebner (C.H.A.).
The Trappist monks at Tracadie, Nova Scotia / A.M. Kinnear (C.H.A.).
The rise and fall of Louisbourg / J. Clarence Webster (C.H.A.).
Governor Lawrence’s case against an Assembly in Nova Scotia / D.C. Harvey (C.H.R.).
Confederation in Prince Edward Island / D.C. Harvey (C.H.R.).
Newspapers of Nova Scotia 1840-1867 / D.C. Harvey (C.H.R.)
The Labrador landfall of John Cabot / M.H. Jackson (C.H.R.).
The Duke of Newcastle and B.N.A. Affairs / J.A. Gibson (C.H.R.).
Edward Cardwell and Confederation / P.B. Waite (C.H.R.).
The Sea Militia of Nova Scotia 1749-1755 / W.A.B. Douglas (C.H.R.).
Negro school segregation in Ontario and Nova Scotia / R.W. Winks (C.H.R.).
History for ’67 / W.S. MacNutt.
This volume has spine title: The Canadian Historical Association.
Maritime union / C.B. Fergusson (Queens Review 1970).
Francis Legge, Governor of Loyalist Nova Scotia / Viola Barnes (N.E.Q.).
Clearing the decks for the Loyalists / Margaret Ells (C.H.A.).
Settling the Loyalists in Nova Scotia / Margaret Ells (C.H.A.).
The Struggle for the New England form of township government in Nova Scotia / D.C. Harvey (C.H.A.)
Nova Scotia’s sense of mission / George Rawlyk and Gordon T. Stewart (Social History).
Dialect of Lunenburg / M.B. Emeneau
A new golden age of Maritime Historiography? / George Rawlyk (Q.Q.).
The Halifax Poor Man’s Friend Society / George Hart (C.H.R.).
Folklore of Victoria Beach, N.S. / Helen Creighton.
Civil List and Responsible Government in N.S. / D.C. Harvey (C.H.R.).
Halifax as an international strategic factor / C.P. Stacey (C.H.R.).
Post Confederation annexation movement in N.S. / D.F. Warner (C.H.R.).
The Compact Theory of Confederation / Norman McLeod Rogers (C.P.S.A.).
The literature of Nova Scotia / Archibald MacMechan (The Canadian Magazine)
Spine Title: The Canadian Historical Association.
The classics of Acadia / J.C. Webster (C.H.A.).
Intercolonial communications / J.S. Martell (C.H.A.).
The partition of Nova Scotia 1784 / Marion Gilroy (C.H.R.)
Customs fees in Nova Scotia / M. Gilroy (C.H.R.).
History and its uses in Pre-Confederation Nova Scotia / D.C. Harvey (C.H.A.).
Hopes raised by steam in 1840 / D.C. Harvey (C.H.A.).
Incidents of the repeal agitation in Nova Scotia / D.C. Harvey (C.H.R.).
Indian trade in Nova Scotia 1764 / R.O. MacFarlane (C.H.R.).
Eighteenth century Halifax / C.B. Fergusson (C.H.A.).
The Nova Scotia disputed election of 1859 / J.M. Beck (C.H.R.).
Spine Title: Canadian Historical Review.
English humanitarianism and the Colonial mind: Walter Bromley in Nova Scotia 1813-25 / Judith Fingard.
The origin of free ports in British North America / Gerald S. Graham.
Nova Scotia and the Canadian naval tradition / D.C. Harvey.
A blueprint for Nova Scotia in 1818 / D.C. Harvey.
The Imperial customs establishment in N.S. 1825-55 / Marion Gilroy.
The assault landing at Louisbourg in 1758 / J.M. Hitsman and C.C.J. Bond.
The reconstruction of the Port Royal Habitation 1605-13 / C.W. Jefferys.
1848 in retrospect: events in Nova Scotia and Canada / R.S. Longley.
The press of the Maritime provinces in the 1830’s / J.S. Martell.
Early parliamentary reporting in Nova Scotia 1817-37 / J.S. Martell.
British Indian policy in Nova Scotia to 1760 / R.O. MacFarlane.
The beginning of Nova Scotian politics 1758-66 / W.S. MacNutt.
Intercolonial trade during the French Regime / Allena G. Reid.
The Jones Report — an interpretation / A.B. Balcom.
The nomination of candidates in Nova Scotia / J.M. Beck.
Privileges and powers of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly / J.M. Beck.
Nova Scotia minerals and reconstruction / A.E. Cameron.
The St. Lawrence Seaway and Nova Scotia’s economy / R.S. Cumming.
The Dartmouth whalers / Margaret Ells.
Problems of the Maritime provinces / C.R. Fay.
The Centenary of John McPherson / D.C. Harvey.
Why Halifax was founded / W.S. MacNutt.
A.P.E.C. / Nelson Mann.
Joseph Howe as man of letters / David Munroe.
Germans in Nova Scotia / L. Richter.
Acadian exiles in France / Norman McLeod Rogers.
Maritime provinces and the National policy / S.A. Saunders.
Report on the Royal Commission on Coal / A. E. Cameron.
Prohibition in Nova Scotia / H.R. Grant.
Population shifts in the Maritimes / J.W. Grant.
The Glenadale Pioneers / Ada MacLeod.
Political experiences in Nova Scotia 1867-1869 / H. Moody.
Limitations of Unemployment Insurance / L. Richter.
Story of a Nova Scotia college / Grace MacLeod Rogers.
Public Utility regulations in Nova Scotia / J.S. Roper.
The United Empire Loyalists / W.G. Skelton.
Spine Title: Public Affairs & Canadian Historical Review.
Nova Scotia’s Admiralty Court as a problem of Colonial Administration / L.H. Laing (C.H.R.).
Unemployment and unemployment relief in Nova Scotia / L. Richter
A discussion on municipal finance and administration / Thomas Bradshaw.
Did they vote for party or candidate in Halifax (1962)? / Morris Davis.
The Abbe LeLoutre / Norman McLeod Rogers (C.H.R.).
The parish and church of L’Acadie / E.R. Adair and E.S. Wardleworth (C.H.A.).
Joseph Howe and the Crimean War enlistment controversy between Great Britain and the United States / J.B. Brebner (C.H.R.).
The history of New France according to Francis Parkman / W.J. Eccles (W.M.Q.)
Louisbourg and the Peace of Aix-La-Chapelle, 1748 / Jack Sosin (W.M.Q.)
Massachusetts and the Acadians / R.G. Lowe (W.M.Q.)
‘Elder Moulton’ and the Nova Scotia Baptists / M.W. Armstrong.
The first Protestant ordination in Canada / M.W. Armstrong.
Jonathan Scott’s “Brief View” / M.W. Armstrong (H.T.R.)
The establishment of the County Court in Nova Scotia / George Patterson (C.B.R.)
Nova Scotia’s In-Service Training Program / F.R. MacKinnon (C.W.)
The literary tradition / T.H. Raddall (C.A.B.)
Louisbourg 1745 / R.E. Wall, Jr. (N.E.Q.)
Charles Fenerty / C.B. Fergusson.
Parties and constituencies: Federal elections in Nova Scotia, 1867-1896 / D.A. Muise (Historical Papers 1971).
Ferment in Nova Scotia / Nancy Lubka (Q.Q.).
The fall of Louisbourg 1745, comic opera affair? / George Rawlyk (Q.Q.).
The Atlantic fisheries / George Farquhar (Q.Q.).
The Golden Age of Nova Scotia / Lawrence J. Burpee (Q.Q.).
The municipal unit in Halifax County / Harold A. Weir (J. of E.).
The Atlantic Provinces Research Board / A.C. Parks & F.R. Drummie (C.P.A.).
Council-Management Government / A.A. DeBard, Jr. (C.P.A.).
Voluntary Economic Planning in Nova Scotia / J.R. Mills (C.P.A.).
Evolving staff relations in the Nova Scotia civil service / R.A. Vaison & Peter Aucoin (C.P.A.).
Historical sketches of hospitals and alms houses in Halifax, 1749-1859 / M.H.L. Grant (Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin).
History begins at home / Frank Patterson (Acadia Bulletin).
Labour and politics: Nova Scotia at Confederation / K.G. Pryke (Social History).
Nova Scotia Loyalists 1783 – 1785 / Neil MacKinnon (Social History).
Acadian emigration to Ile Royale after the conquest of Acadia / Bernard Pothier (Social History).
The inequality of distribution in the Canadian provincial assemblies / H.E. Pasis (C.J.E.P.S.).
The impact of the sterling-dollar crisis on the Maritime economy / J.R. Petrie (C.J.E.P.S.).
The work of the Nova Scotia Research Foundation / R.D. Howland (C.J.E.P.S.).
The application of the ‘Senatorial Floor’ rules to the latest redistribution of the House of Commons: The peculiar case of Nova Scotia / Andrew Sancton (C.J.E.P.S.).
The Reciprocity Treaty of 1854: a regional study / S.A. Saunders (C.J.E.P.S.)
Eastern Canada’s offshore resources and boundaries: A study in political geography / Hal Mills (J.P.S.).
Offshore mineral rights: anatomy of a Federal-Provincial conflict / Neil Caplan (J.P.S.).
The 1970 Nova Scotia election: some observations on recent party performance and electoral support / Peter Aucoin (J.P.S.).
Ballot behaviour in Halifax revisited (1963) / Morris Davis (C.J.E.P.S.).
A last look at ballot behaviour in the dual constituency of Halifax / Morris Davis (C.J.E.P.S.?)
The pervasiveness of Sam Slick / V.L.O. Chittick.
The hybrid comic: origins of Sam Slick / V.L.O. Chittick (C.L.)
Folk language in Haliburton’s humour / L.A.A. Harding (C.L.)
Why Haliburton has no successor / J.D. Logan (C.M.)
A political bayard / J.D. Logan (C.M.)
Joseph Howe / J.D. Logan (C.M.)
Nova Scotia regional protest 1867 – 1967 / G.A. Rawlyk (Q.Q.).
Religion in old Cape Breton / M.D. Morrison.
Twas fifty years ago / S. Leonard Shannon.
Old world origins and religious adherence in N.S. / Andrew H. Clark (G.R.).
Settlement patterns in Maritime Canada / J. Brian Bird (G.R.).
The Way it was…Ernest Buckler / D.O. Spettigue (C.L.)
Letter from Halifax / Donald Cameron (C.L.)
Spine Title: Public Affairs.
Youth on relief / L. Richter (P.A. August/1937).
Dairying in the Maritimes / M. Cumming (P.A. March/1938).
Marketing of Nova Scotia apples / A.W. MacDonald (P.A. December/1939).
Marketing the Nova Scotia apple crop / A.E. Richards (P.A. August/1940).
A historic parallel: Nova Scotia again a barrier to New England / D.C. Harvey (P.A. December/1940).
Nova Scotia apple marketing situation / A.E. Richards (P.A. Winter/1941).
Sectional representation in Maritime provincial cabinets since 1867 / Eugene Forsey (P.A. Autumn/1942).
Part-time farming in Nova Scotia / Andrew Stewart (P.A. Spring/1943).
Farming in Nova Scotia (17th Century) / O.J. Firestone (P.A. Spring/1943).
Development of local government in Nova Scotia / G.A. McAllister (P.A. Autumn/1943).
Population changes in the Maritime provinces / O.E. Lemeaux (P.A. Summer/1944).
Representation in the Assembly of Nova Scotia / D.C. Harvey (P.A. Summer/1944).
The future of the coal industry in Nova Scotia / A.E. Cameron (P.A. Fall/1944).
Maritime women at work in war and peace / Aida McAnn (P.A. Winter/1944).
Problems of Nova Scotian fisheries / S.A. Beatty (P.A. June/1946).
The origins of the Nova Scotia lumber trade / C.G. Hawkins (P.A. Winter/1946).
Economic review of Nova Scotia for 1946 / K. Christensen (P.A. March/1947).
The Maritime co-operative movement to-day / Alexander Laidlaw (P.A. June/1947).
Research helps develop industries in Nova Scotia / H.D. Smith (P.A. April/1948).
The outlook for the Maritime fishing industry / S.A. Beatty (P.A. July/1948).
Public Affairs. Complete issues. Originals.
December 1937 August 1938 June 1939 August 1939 Autumn 1941
Hon. Alexander McDougall / Sir Joseph Chisholm.
My invisible Nova Scotia library / A.J. Crockett.
Cabot’s landfall / C.B. Fergusson.
Nova Scotia’s first telegraph system / Thomas H. Raddall.
Rockweeding / E.W. Nichols.
Backgrounds of English-Canadian poetry / V.B. Rhodenizer.
Apostle to the Micmacs / Norman McLeod Rogers.
The centenary of Haliburton’s “Nova Scotia” / Archibald MacMechan
Spine Title: Canadian Historical Review.
The first responsible party government in British North America / W.R. Livingston (C.H.R.).
The Howe-Buller correspondence / Chester Martin (C.H.R.).
An early proposal for the federation of British North America / Reginald G. Trotter (C.H.R.).
The Cape Breton landfall, 1494 or 1497: note on a letter from John Day / L.A. Vigneras (C.H.R.).
A chapter in the history of the Intercolonial Railway / Peter B. Waite (C.H.R.).
Responsible government and the irresponsible governor / W.M. Whitelaw (C.H.R.).
Spine Title: Royal Society of Canada.
The voyages of the Cabots / S.E. Dawson (R.S.C.).
The Gaelic folk-songs of Canada / Alexander Fraser (R.S.C.).
The loyal electors / D.C. Harvey (R.S.C.).
Dishing the reformers / D.C. Harvey (R.S.C.).
Joseph Frederick Wallis DesBarres and the Atlantic Neptune / J.C. Webster (R.S.C.).
A study in early problems and policies in adult education: the Halifax Mechanics’ Institute / Patrick Keane (Social History)
Spine Title: The Canadian Magazine.
Tramping in unfrequented Nova Scotia / W. Lacey Amy.
With the cod fishermen / Lacey Amy.
The Howe papers / Francis A. Carman.
Nova Scotia and Imperialism / Blake Crofton.
Canadian poets of the Great War / J.D. Logan.
Reviews of the literary history of Canada, Parts 1-4 / J.D. Logan.
Changing Halifax / Archibald MacMechan.
Recollections of Joseph Howe / Emily Weaver.
Parties and constituencies: Federal elections in Nova Scotia 1867-1896 / D.A. Muise (Historical Papers 1971).
Spine Title: Land of the Mayflower
Nova Scotia considered as a field for emigration / P.S. Hamilton.
The land of the Mayflower, or The past and present of Nova Scotia contrasted with a glance at the probable future / J. Willoughby.
Spine Title: Nova Scotia and Nova Scotians.
Nova Scotia and Nova Scotians: A lecture / Rev’d George W. Hill (1859 publication).
A brief history of public proceedings and events, legal parliamentary, and miscellaneous, in the province of Nova Scotia during the earliest years of the present century / John G. Marshall.
Spine Title: Liverpool in history.
Liverpool in history / R.J. Long.
The past and the future of Nova Scotia: an address on the 113th Anniversary of the settlement of the capital of the province / R.G. Haliburton (1862 publication).
An address delivered on the centenary of the settling of north Queens County / R.R. McLeod (Delivered in 1899).
The Highland Emigration of 1770, and, Causes of the Highland emigrations of 1783-1803 / Margaret J. Adam.
Montezuma’s successor: Andrew Downs / C.B. Fergusson.
Loyalist Shelburne / Daniel Owen (C.M.)
Heritage of the Maritimes / D.C. Harvey.
An old schoolmaster speaks / Grace Tomkinson.
Two forgotten patriots / Josephine Shannon.
The Liverpool Packet / Janet E. Mullins.
The first Canadian-born novelist / Lillian M. Beckwith Maxwell.
Sword and pen in Kent / T.H. Raddall.
The rise and fall of a college / H.L. Scammell.
Thomas H. Raddall: the man and his work / W.J. Hawkins (Q.Q.)
Canada and the American Revolution: 200 years of realizing that rejection was really acceptance / G.A. Rawlyk (Q.Q.)
Strange to strangers only / M.G. Parks (C.L.)
The fiftieth year of the Review / C.L. Bennet.
Rt. Hon. Sir John S.D. Thompson / F.W. Bissett.
Suspense / Charles Bruce.
Home on the Fundy Shore / Lawrence Burpee.
Ballads from Devil’s Island / Helen Creighton.
St. Mary’s Bay (verse) / Laurence Dakin.
Proportional representation / R.M. Dawson.
An epic of Marble Mountain / F.P. Day (H.M.M.).
Durell’s in eighteenth century Canadian history / C.B. Fergusson.
I place my life / Douglas Lochhead.
The establishment of the first English Colonial Episcopate / Judith Fingard.
John Johnson, M.A. (verse) / A.L. Fraser.
Dalhousie fifty years ago / A.L. Fraser.
Dr. Thomas McCulloch and liberal education / D.C. Harvey.
Within this gate / Eileen C. Henry.
Early Halifax theatres / A.R. Jewitt.
What price homework? / David E. Lewis.
Charles MacDonald, M.A. / J.W. Logan.
On listening to birds / G.R. Loomer.
The early days of aviation / J.A.D. McCurdy.
Songs of the Hebrides (verse) / Agnes F. MacDonald.
Real “Canadian Literature” / W.E. MacLellan.
Jotham Logan: A personal tribute / Hugh MacLennan.
Old lovers / Archibald MacMechan.
Neopolitan days / Archibald MacMechan.
In Memoriam: William E. Marshall / Agnes MacPhail.
On Cape Forchu (verse) / M.V. Marshall.
St. Ives / J.S. Martell.
Review of “Neutral Yankees” by J.B. Brebner / J.S. Martell.
An unexplained incident of Confederation in Nova Scotia / George Patterson.
Joseph Howe and the Anti-Confederation League / George Patterson.
Canada’s immigration policy 1945-1962 / G.A. Rawlyk.
What we owe to Francis Parkman / Ben Russell.
John Thomas Bulmer / Ben Russell.
Total war and Canada’s economic policy / S.A. Saunders
Nova Scotia’s Puritans in the American Revolution / V.P. Seary.
Then and Now: A convocation address / G.G. Sedgewick.
The vanishing folklore of N.S. / B.M.H. Shaw.
What can one justly “own” ? / H.L. Stewart.
The revolt of youth / O. Tandberg.
The Oxford Movement 1833-1933 / F.W. Vroom.
William of Kars: a great Nova Scotian / Maxwell Vesey.
The Acadian exiles in England 1756-1763 / Dorothy Vinter.
King’s College: sesquicentennial / Stanley Walker.
In glory gone / Mary Weekes.
Works by W.E. Nicols.
On lying awake.
The ethics of loafing around.
Science and letters.
The unromantic window.
Haying on the old farm.
The remaining bound volumes in the set consist of articles photocopied from various publications and bound by Mr. Banks.
Nova Scotia’s bicentennial / C.B. Fergusson (C.H.R.).
Side-lights on the attempted union of 1833 / William Smith (C.H.R.).
Canada as a vassal state / Archibald MacMechan (C.H.R.).
The enfranchisement of Roman Catholics in the Maritimes / John Garner (C.H.R.).
Nova Scotia’s remedy for the American Revolution / J.B. Brebner (C.H.R.).
The Brown MSS and Longfellow / J.B. Brebner (C.H.R.).
Daniel Cobb Harvey (Obit) / C.B. Fergusson (C.H.R.).
The problem of Canadian union, 1822-1828 / William Ormsby (C.H.R.).
The Union Bill of 1822 / K.L.P. Martin (C.H.R.).
Ab Urbe Condita / A.M. MacMechan (D.R.).
Painted music / A.M. MacMechan (D.R.).
Rise of the theatre at Halifax / C.B. Fergusson (D.R.).
When I was young / Eileen C. Henry (D.R.).
Glengarry’s Gaelic heritage / C.W. Dunn (D.R.).
America’s premier “First Night” 1606 / F. Fraser Bond (D.R.).
(Review) V.L.O. Chittick’s T.C. Haliburton / A.M. MacMechan (D.R.).
Charisma and integration: an eighteenth century North American case / Gordon Stewart (C.S.S.H.).
Never the twain did meet: Prairie-Maritime relations, 1910-1927 / Ernest Forbes (C.H.R.).
Uniacke’s memorandum to Windham / D.C. Harvey (C.H.R.).
Emigration and the crisis of 1837 in Upper Canada / R.S. Longley (C.H.R.).
Halifax merchants and the pursuit of development, 1783-1850 / David Sutherland (C.H.R.).
Oliver Goldsmith’s “The Rising Village” / K.J. Hughes (C.P.).
The Rising Village again / W.J. Keith (C.P.).
James DeMille as mystic: a reconsideration of DeMille’s “Behind the Veil” / Patricia Monk (C.P.).
C.G.D. Roberts “The Tantramar Revisited” / William Strong (C.P.).
“Andrew and Elliott Letters, 1662-1811” Re Congregational churches in Nova Scotia / (M.H.S.)
Spine Title: Canadian and University Magazines.
Archibald MacMechan in the Canadian Magazine
The glory of the “Shannon”.
The “Saladin” pirates.
A Canadian of the mutiny.
Storied Halifax.
Holiday Halifax.
The Nova Scotia-ness of Nova Scotia.
President Falconer of Toronto University.
In the University Magazine
Browning’s women.
Confederation in Nova Scotia.
William Greenwood.
Payzant Killing.
The vanity of travel.
Spine Title: Canadian Historical Association.
DeMille, the man and the writer / Archibald MacMechan (C.M.)
Incidents in Victorian Halifax / Phyllis Blakeley (C.H.A.).
The discovery of Drake’s “Plate of Brasse”, 1579 / J.B. Brebner (C.H.A.).
Canadianism / J.B. Brebner (C.H.A.).
Patronage and parliamentary government / J.B. Brebner (C.H.A.).
Subsidized intermarriage with the Indians / J.B. Brebner (C.H.R.).
Canadian policy towards the Acadians in 1751 / J.B. Brebner (C.H.R.).
Fisheries and sea power / G.S. Graham (C.H.A.).
Condition of the public records in the Maritimes / W.C. Milner (C.H.A.).
H.L. Stewart / C.B. Fergusson (C.A.B.).
My first book / Will R. Bird (C.A.B.).
A neglected theme in Two Solitudes / Warren Stevenson (C.L.).
The best sea story ever written / A.M. MacMechan (Q.Q.).
Watson Kirkconnell / E.T. Salmon (R.S.C.).
A region or three provinces? / by M. Beck (R.S.C.).
The Canadian achievement / A. MacMechan (R.S.C.).
Tory or Loyalist? / J.M. Day
The beginnings of the Maritimes / J.G. Reid
Spine Title: Proceedings and Transactions Royal Society of Canada.
The Jamaica maroons….. / D. Brymner.
The constitution of the Legislative Council of Nova Scotia / J.G. Bourinot.
Social and economic conditions of the British provinces after the Canadian rebellions / J.G. Bourinot.
The baronets of Nova Scotia / E.M. MacKenzie.
Joseph Howe and the Anti-Confederate League / L.J. Burpee.
Spine title: Proceedings and Transactions Royal Society of Canada.
Nova Scotia under English rule: From the capture of Port Royal to the conquest of Port Royal to the conquest of Canada, 1710-1760 / W.O. Raymond.
Colonel Alexander McNutt and the pre-Loyalist settlements of Nova Scotia / W.O. Raymond.
Earliest route of travel between Canada and Acadia. Olden-time celebrities who used it / W.O. Raymond.
Acadian magazines / D.R. Jack.
Nova Scotian and Canadian reformers of 1848 / Chester Martin.
Nova Scotia and the Convention of 1818 / D.C. Harvey.
Cape Breton and the French Regime / Harold Innis.
(All articles from Canadian Magazine)
The Abenaki basket-makers / Victoria Hayward.
Sea-coast homes of our Maritime Provinces / Victoria Hayward.
The Gael in New Scotland / S.P. MacDonald.
The Gael and the Sea / S.P. Macdonald.
Digby: an impression / Newton MacTavish.
The modern Acadia / Newton MacTavish.
Fruit growing in Nova Scotia / F.C. Sears.
The Indians of the Maritimes / Beatrice H. Hay Shaw.
The whiskey smugglers / Edwin Smith.
A Nova Scotia cock fight / A.F. Thomson.
The toll of the cresting seas / F. William Wallace.
Maritime provincialism and contrasts Parts 1-3 / F.A. Wightman.
The American invasion of Nova Scotia / W.B. Kerr (C.D.Q.).
A forerunner of Joseph Howe / G.V.V. Nicholls (C.H.R.).
The voyage of Etienne Bellenger to the Maritimes in 1583 / D.B. Quinn (C.H.R.).
Lord Durham’s administration / William Smith (C.H.R.).
The early days of King’s College, Windsor, Nova Scotia / C.E. Thomas (C.H.S.).
Cloud over Ottawa / Benge Atlee (D.R.).
To a swallow / Laurence Dakin (D.R.).
The fairest gardens / Laurence Dakin (D.R.).
The coming of the “Hector” / George Patterson (D.R.).
Party images / J.M. Beck, D.J. Dooley (Q.Q.).
200 years of realizing…Was really acceptance / George Rawlyk (Q.Q.).
Additional unnumbered bound volumes of photocopied items.
Spine Title: A.R. of Canadian Studies (American Review of Canadian Studies). Vol. A
The decline of American moral vision: a study of The Clockmaker in relation to Rule and misrule of the English in America / Stanley E. McMullin.
Some historical observations on the “Down East” route / William B. Hamilton.
Where stories are told: A Nova Scotia storyteller’s milieu / Richard S. Tallman.
Belsnickling in a Nova Scotia island community / Richard Bauman. (W.F.)
Spine Title: Canadian Catholic Historical Association. Vol. B
Abbe Maillard and Halifax / Rev’d. J.E. Burns, Phd.
The Right Reverend William Fraser, second Vicar Apostolic of Nova Scotia, first Bishop of Halifax, and first Bishop of Arichat / Rev. A.A. Johnston.
Antoine Gaulin, an apostle of early Acadie / Rev’d Richard Bannon, M.A.
Thomas D’Arcy McGee and Confederation in the Maritimes / Richard Grannan.
Haliburton and the Uniackes: Protestant champions of Catholic liberty / Sister Mary Liguori, M.A.
The MacPherson-Thompkins era of St. Francis Xavier University / Rev’d William X. Edwards.
Relations between the French Irish and Scottish clergy in the Maritime Provinces, 1774 – 1836 / Mason Wade.
Spine Title: Canadian Public Policy 4, Spring 1978. Vol. C
Canada’s Atlantic Coast fisheries: policy development and the impact of extended jurisdiction / Parzival Copes.
The 200-mile limit: new issues, old problems for Canada’s East Coast fisheries / C.L. Mitchell.
Public enterprise as social welfare: the case of the Cape Breton Development Corporation / Allan Tupper.
Spine Title: Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism. (Fall, 1976). Vol. D
Revolution and patriotism in America, 1763-1775 / Richard Van Alstyne.
Symbolic division of North America, 1752-1775 / Richard L. Merritt.
Loyalists and nationalists: an essay on the problem of definitions / J.M. Bumstead.
Spine Title: Journal [of] American Folklore. Vol. E
The mythology of the Central and Eastern Algonkins / Roland B. Dixon.
Ballad-singing in Nova Scotia / Roy MacKenzie.
Three Ballads from Nova Scotia / Roy MacKenzie.
Ballads from Nova Scotia (continued) / Roy MacKenzie.
Some Micmac tales from Cape Breton Island / F.G. Speck.
Gaelic proverbs in Nova Scotia / Charles W. Dunn.
The LaHave Island General Store / Richard Bauman
W. Roy MacKenzie as a collector of folksong / Margin Lovelace (C.I.M.J.)
Spine Title: Scottish Historical Review. Vol. F
Eighteenth century Highland landlords and the poverty problem / Margaret I. Adam.
The western Highlands in the eighteenth century / Roderick C. MacLeod.
Conditions in the Highlands after the “Forty-five” / John Mason.
Spine Title: Southern Folklore Quarterly (Issue on The Practical Joke, Vol. 28, No. 4. Dec 74). Vol. G
Introduction / Richard S. Tallman.
A note on practical jokes / Roger L. Welsch.
Generic approach to the practical joke / Richard S. Tallman.
Practical jokes of the Newfoundland seal fishery / J.R. Scott.
Wedding night pranks in New Brunswick / Monica Morrison.
Pranks and practical jokes at children’s summer camps / Sheldon Posen.
Bigger ‘n life: the tall-tale postcard / Roger L. Welsch.
Spine Title: A.P.E.C. Study on Economics Issues 1926-1960.
Royal Commission reports and related action: a review of recommendations and policy on economic issues in the Maritime Provinces 1926-1960 / Commissioned by Atlantic Provinces Economic Council; prepared by The Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., 1960.
C.A.B. Canadian Author and Bookman
C.B.R. Canadian Bar Review
C.D.Q. Canadian Defense Quarterly
C.F.M.J. Canadian Folk Music Journal
C.H.A. Canadian Historical Association
C.H.R. Canadian Historical Review
C.J.E.P.S. Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science
C.L. Canadian Literature
C.M. Canadian Magazine
C.P. Canadian Poetry
C.P.S.A. Canadian Political Science Association
C.P.A. Canadian Public Administration
C.W. Canadian Welfare
C.S.S.H. Comparative Studies in Social History
C.H.S. Church History Society
D.R. Dalhousie Review
G.R. Geographical Review
H.M.M. Harper’s Monthly Magazine
H.T.R. Harvard Theological Review
J.of E. Journal of Education
J.P.S. Journal of Political Studies
M.H.S. Massachusetts Historical Society
N.E.Q. New England Quarterly
P.A. Public Affairs
Q.Q. Queen’s Quarterly
R.S.C. Royal Society of Canada
W.F. Western Folklore
W.M.Q. William and Mary Quarterly