StoryWalks featuring Canadian astronaut Chris Hatfield’s book The Darkest Dark are set up in parks and along trails in the Tri-Counties this summer as part of Western Counties Regional Library’s Summer Reading Club experience.

“Families can take a walk by their local library, along a trail, or in a park and read a book at the same time,” says Mahala Sears, Programs and Services Manager.

There will be bilingual versions at locations in Clare, Pubnico, and Yarmouth.

The book encourages readers to dream the impossible. In the book, Chris loves rockets and planets and pretending he’s a brave astronaut, exploring the universe. Only one problem – at night, Chris doesn’t feel so brave. He’s afraid of the dark.

But when he watches the ground-breaking moon landing on TV, he realizes that space is the darkest dark there is – and the dark is beautiful and exciting, especially when you have big dreams to keep you company.

The StoryWalks will be:

  • Outside the Isaiah W. Wilson Memorial Library, 84 Warwick St., Digby, from June 10 to July 22;
  • In the park behind Clark’s Harbour library from June 10 to July 22;
  • Outside McKay Memorial Library from June 10 to July 22;
  • In Caie Courtyard at Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Library, 405 Main St., Yarmouth, from June 10 to July 22;
  • In Windjammers Park, Pubnico, from June 10 to July 22;
  • In Seacap Memorial Park, Lockeport, from June 10 to July 22;
  • In Vaughn Van Tassell Memorial Park, 27 Shreve St., Digby, from July 23 to Aug. 29;
  • In Meteghan Family Park from July 23 to Aug. 29;
  • Outside Barrington Municipal Library, 3588 Highway, from July 22 to Aug. 30;
  • In Beacon Park, Yarmouth, from July 22 to Aug. 30;
  • In Graham’s Park, Shelburne, from July 22 to Aug. 30; and
  • Outside Westport Library, 17 Second St. Westport, from July 22 to Aug. 30.