Lectures recommandées
Suggestions de lectures des bibliothécaires de la Western Counties Regional Library (en anglais seulement).
Get Growing
Planning on growing your own garden this year? This book list has resources for you to learn how to start your seeds, plan your garden, and make your garden beds so you can have a successful growing season! To see the list of titles, click here.
Spring Cleaning
Anti-Racism Resources
March 21 is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It is recognized yearly and aims to promote equality and combat racism. Learn more about anti-racism with this non-fiction booklist for adults. To see the list of titles, click here.
Celebrate Spring
Say Cheese
Celebrate Freedom to Read Week
Freedom to Read Week takes place every February and encourages Canadians to think about and celebrate intellectual freedom. This list features titles that have faced challenges across North America. Check one out today and celebrate your freedom to read with the whole family! To see the list of titles, click here.