People can give their public library a lifeline over the next two months by donating to Western Counties Regional Library 2024 Adopt-A-Book campaign. The campaign runs from Tuesday, Oct. 1 through Saturday, Nov. 30.

“Provincial funding for the library has not increased over the past four years,” says Library Executive Director Erin Comeau. “It was static for almost 10 years before that.”

The library receives 71 per cent of its funding from the province and 26 per cent from the municipal units. The library board must raise the final three per cent.

“Fortunately, the province provided some supplemental bridge funding over the past two years,” Comeau says. “Our municipal partners have also stepped up with extra funding to help our library branches maintain their regular open hours.”

However, with rising inflation and operating costs, the library has cut back on the number of new books and other library material it buys, she says.

The fundraiser allows people to adopt (purchase for the library) books to put on their public library’s shelves. All 10 branches will have books on display that are available to adopt and borrow right away.

People can adopt in person or online via westerncounties.ca. The goal is to have 750 books adopted, valued at approximately $20,000.

a man with glasses and a checked blue shirt and a woman with glasses, brown hair hold a yellow thermometer sign in a library.
From left, Yarmouth library clerk Jeremy Ayotte and Executive Director Erin Comeau point to the Adopt-A-Book campaign’s goal of 750 books.

“People have really gotten behind this fundraiser over the years,” says Sherry Thorburn Irvine, chair of the regional library board. “They see the results of their support immediately. Adopting a book is instant and it leaves people with the feeling like they have done something positive for their community.”

“When you think about inflation over the past 14 years and library funding, it has been very difficult for the library,” Thorburn Irvine says. “It makes our staff excellent at surviving with meagre funding, but it also puts an incredible strain on resources just to remain viable.”

Getting people involved in enhancing the library’s collection is vital, says Comeau.

“It keeps people coming to the library because of the greater selection of books that people want to borrow and read,” says Comeau. “The funds from this campaign are something we don’t normally receive.”

The campaign, which began in 1996, is carried out every two years,. The 14 previous campaigns have raised a combined total of $399,698, putting 17,751 new books on library shelves.

People and organizations can choose from a wide selection of new books and then adopt them for the branch of their choice. Every book adopted will have a nameplate acknowledging the adoption placed inside the front cover of the book. The person adopting the book can also be the first one to borrow it.

People can choose to adopt in the name of a loved one, a teacher, a friend or even a newborn baby. The average price of a book is around $30, but books are available for much less.

“We’ll accept any level of donation,” says Comeau. “Every bit helps.”

For information about the Adopt-a-Book Campaign visit any branch library, or go online at www.westerncounties.ca. Branches are located in Westport, Digby, Weymouth, and Meteghan in Digby County; Yarmouth et Pubnico in Yarmouth County; and Barrington, Clark’s Harbour, Shelburne et Lockeport in Shelburne County.