Writing Short Fiction

writing notebook and pens

This 4-week workshop with author Julian Mortimer Smith is open to any adult (18+) who is interested in writing fiction. No experience is necessary. All you need is an idea. The workshop will focus on fleshing out that idea, shaping it into a story, and getting that story down on the page. The workshop will cover plot, character, setting, structure, style, and the writing process. There will be some writing exercises during the workshop, so bring a pen and paper, and participants will be assigned homework after each class. There will opportunities to share your work and receive feedback in a supportive environment. Instructor Julian Mortimer Smith is a prize-winning writer and editor based in Yarmouth. He has published short stories in many of the world’s top science fiction and fantasy magazines, including Asimov’s, Terraform, Lightspeed, and Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy. His first collection, The World of Dew and Other Stories, was selected as the winner of the 2020 Blue Light Books Prize and was published by Indiana University Press. This program is via Zoom. Space is limited to 15 people. Register no later than Tuesday, Feb. 4 online via this Zoom link – https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0vc–rrTgpGNzug0RhS8RwYVmP7S9oTY3u or scan the QR code. This program is in English.QR code

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Thursday, Feb 06 2025


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


All branch libraries

